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一则此处风光独特,别有洞天。A unique scenery here, hidden but beautiful spot.

没想到,一个外藏椁里还“别有洞天”。Unexpectedly, a wife, also in possession of "Space."

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步入房中,却是别有洞天。Entered the room, but it is Journey Into Amazing Caves.

来访者总是惊异地发现一扇门后别有洞天。Visitor are always surprised to find a door with another room behind.

黑邮件在角落里发呆,想着奈良城的别有洞天。Black Email is spacing out in the corner, contemplating an alternative life in Nara City.

户外浴室之外别有洞天,是洗澡外另一松弛身心的好方法。An extended area outside of the outdoor bathroom is a cool place to unwind after a nice bubble bath.

青龙潭至聚龙居为山峪通道,曲折幽静,各景段别有洞天。Green dragon to poly Dragon Inn as hill Valley channel, tortuous quiet, the scenery section hidden but beautiful spot.

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在一次圣诞晚会杰夫遇到一位股票经济人开始起步,“与他谈话,感觉别有洞天。”It all started for Jeff when he met a stockbroker at a Christmas party. “Talking to him, it felt like discovering fire,” he says.

堆满废品的矮楼,水泥包裹的残垣,连小偷都不会想来行窃的地方走进才发现别有洞天。The squat was piled up with waste piles and cement-coated wreckage, so much so that even a thief wouldn't find this place of much interest.

假山、密林、湖水、断桥,别有洞天,可谓“疑是山穷水无路,柳暗花明又一景”。Rockery, forests, water, bridge, hidden but beautiful spot is suspected in the water, " no way, dense willow trees and bright flowers and scenery".

蓝洞外观只是一个洞口极细小之岩洞穴,堪称其貌不扬,但只要换只超小船,越过洞口后,便发觉别有洞天。Blue hole appearance is just a tiny hole hole of caves, be rated as ugly, but as long as change only super boat, across the hole, then find boat. after.