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桥栏杆?。Bridge railing?

这个栏杆是白色的。This parapet is white.

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她斜靠在栏杆上。She leaned over the banister.

农民用栏杆把自己的果园围了起来。The farmer railed in his orchard.

严禁攀爬八咏楼石栏杆。No climbing on the stone railings.

修理天车的栏杆。Repair the handrails on the crown.

他从身后把她推过栏杆。He gave her a boost over the fence.

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栏杆长度可以有44英寸、46英寸、48英寸的长度。The length can be 44", 46" and 48".

我为什么不能扭弯这些蠢栏杆?Why can't I bend these stupid bars?

男孩喜欢顺着栏杆往下滑。The boys like to slide down banisters.

他们用栏杆将他们的菜园围起来。They railed in their vegetable garden.

把自行车和栏杆锁在一起。She padlocked her bike to the railings.

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曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。The winding bridge has low balustrades.

他们用栏杆隔开一块空地来圈马。They railed off a space for the horses.

朵拉把她的狗拴在街旁的栏杆上了。Dora tied her dog to the street railings.

她正在大桥的栏杆上走。She is walking on the railing of a bridge.

儿童游乐场应当围以栏杆。The children's playground should be railed.

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把雨衣放在栏杆上去滴干。Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain.

他拱起身子越过栏杆去抓她的手。He arched over the banister to grab her hand.

我把栏杆拉起来,然后爬了过去。I pulled up the railings and then climbed over.