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这是封信是写给总监的。Here is the letter to majordomo.

这是一封给总监的信。Here is the letter for majordomo.

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以前我曾在一专用剧场担任保留剧目的舞台总监。I once stage-managed a repertory theatre.

现在执法官总监克拉克将为大家说几句。Director Clark will now make a few remarks.

艺术总监的那个刚有点眉目的PSD?That half-started PSD from the art director?

McAfee研究通信部总监大卫.马卡思说道,“这是该类型研究中的首例。”This is the first type of research of its kind.

史晶歆是歆舞界-艺术实验室的艺术总监。Shi Jingxin is artistic director of XIN-ART-LAB.

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那是我最后一次当胶片总监。That was the last time I worked as a cel checker.

你的工作向财务总监和项目总监汇报。You will report to CFO and Project Controller, TJS.

瑞安·菲勒是谷歌街景视图的项目总监。Ryan Falor, project manager of Google's Street View.

托恩在这些音乐剧中担任音乐总监。She served as their Musical Supervisor and Director.

古驰成功的创意总监。Frida Giannini, Gucci's successful creative director.

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我认为可以,但是他还是被总监拒绝了。I thought he was ok, but he was refused by majordomo.

我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。I was promoted to editor and then editorial director.

世卫组织是由卫生服务总监主持的专家小组的成员。WHO is a member of the experts’ group chaired by DGHS.

哈迪是来自塞内加尔的一家工厂的技术总监。Hadi from Senegal is a technical director of a factory.

萨拉·帕金是未来论坛的创始人兼总监。Sara Parkin is founder director of Forum for the Future.

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总监当选人的主要责任是什么?What are your primary responsibilities as governor-elect?

史蒂夫迪肯在我荷兰是商业发展总监。Steve Deakin is Business Development Director at I Holland.

递交周计划及周总结给销售及商务发展总监。Submit weekly sales plan and weekly sales summary to DOSBD.