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至于透支方式的放款。In the case of overdrafts.

这种放款付给息金吗?Do you pay interest on this akun?

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福布斯传媒也满足了放款方规定的财务指标。Forbes met the stipulated financial targets.

那么你有一金一贷放款。Then you have one loan payment to one lender.

这可使你从放款中取得一点利钱。It helps to earn a little interest on your money.

我们根本不知道银行何时会重新开始放款。We simply do not know when banks will begin lending again.

但经纪人发现,放款为置业者提供了一种交易的机会。But a broker who finds lenders for homebuyers offers you a deal.

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该银行答应向他们放款两万英镑。The Bank promised to make a loan of twenty thousand pounds to them.

市场是迷倒与放款人,谁愿意给予折扣。Market is inundating with lenders , who are willing to give discounts.

这项贷款明年七月才到期,不过现在有些放款人已经在按票面价值的折扣价甩卖这些贷款了。Some lenders have been selling pieces of it at a discount from face value.

他们也看不起你的信用信用评分,其他放款。They are also looked down upon by your FICO credit score and other lenders.

没有,除非我通过这个平台来放款,我没有kiva的股份。No, except that I’ve made loans through the system. I don’t own a share of Kiva.

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藉以维系T银行「逾期放款比率最低」之目标。The most important thing is how to maintain the lowest ratio of non-performing loan.

同业拆借利率已经下调和稳定,但银行尚未放款。Interbank lending rates have come down and stabilized, but banks are not yet lending.

记住,你的信用评分是什么决定你的信用给放款。Remember, your credit score is what determines your credit worthiness to the lenders.

该计画的目的是支持消费者、小型企业及商用不动产放款.TALF was created to support consumer, small business and commercial real estate lending.

民间放款人和日本银行“三巨头”都正在尽最大努力做企业的工作。Regional lenders and the country's three "megabanks" exert enormous power over companies.

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中资银行为大宗商品购买放款,并以该商品作为抵押。Chinese banks lend for commodity purchases with the underlying commodities as collaterals.

金城银行的放款、投资业务是同时期的华资银行中发展比较快的一家。Kincheng's business of loan and investment developed rather rapid among its contemporaries.

银行以此为由不愿放款给在校大学生,因此,国家助学贷款发展一直不顺畅。So banks do not want to lend money to college students. The student loan does not develop well.