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泥垢总是积在肚脐眼里。Dirt gets rolled up in your navel.

用于轮胎时,请先洗净泥垢。For the tires, please flush the dust first.

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肥皂也有助于去除藏有大量细菌的油脂和泥垢。Soap also helps to break up the grease and dirt that hold most of the germs.

高压水蒸气可以洗净汽车的轮胎和引擎上附着的油污,灰土,泥垢。Cleaning oil, dust, and dirt on wheels and engine as well car body with high-pressure steam.

但是后来,人们建成了一次可以淘洗好几吨泥垢的大型机器,淘金也就消失了。But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time. Panning died out.

过了一会儿,火箭飞来毁灭了树屋,Jacobs跌倒在泥垢中——但未等落地就看到一个玩具熊从残骸中飞出来。A moment later, a rocket obliterates the treehouse and Jacobs falls to the dirt—but not before seeing a teddy bear fly out of the wreckage.

银背大猩猩需要为自己补充能量和体力。它在沼泽中浸泡了几个小时,它用草本植物的根部有条不紊的清洗身上的泥垢,然后再细细咀嚼那些植物。Needing fuel for his efforts, the silverback soaks in a swamp for hours, methodically stripping and rinsing dirt from herb roots before munching.

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“终于自由”使它自由到无力地躺在泥垢之中,无助地任风沿着地面将其吹走,并毫无生命力地滞留在它碰到的第一个障碍物那里。Free at last" is free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction."

部队和骑兵都被装饰上了中世纪战争时期各种华丽的家族纹章,随着战斗进程的推进,单位个体身上会逐渐沾染上泥垢和血污。Troops and cavalry are decorated with all the heraldic finery and colour of medieval warfare that's gradually muddied and bloodstained through the course of battle.

在凯瑟琳的想象中,她希望见到最小的窗格、最笨重的石框,希望见到彩色玻璃、泥垢和蜘蛛网。对她来说.这种改变是令人痛心的。To an imagination which had hoped for the smallest divisions, and the heaviest stone-work, for painted glass, dirt, and cobwebs, the difference was very distressing.

他小心翼翼地擦洗了乔纳森外壳上的每一块甲片——学名“盾甲”,清除掉龟壳上的黑色泥垢和鸟粪,而乔纳森则在一边安静地咀嚼青草。He carefully scrubbed each of the segments of Jonathan's shell, known as scutes, and removed blacksludge and bird droppings while the tortoise sedately chewed on grass.