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那张铁青的长脸上神色缓和了。The long livid face relaxed.

坟茔中的死鬼,脸色铁青。Death grew pale within the grave.

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拉涅利也是气的面色铁青。Ranieri is also a gas ashen face.

“所有人的脸都变得铁青”,他这样告诉我。"Everyone was livid, " he told me.

郭父得知此事气得面色铁青。Guo father learned this mad complexion.

水与水饱和的区域颜色由海军蓝至铁青色,植被是绿色的,云团是松绿色的,居民区呈现桃红色。Vegetation is green. Clouds are turquoise.

她铁青着脸,用难以置信的神情看着他。She stared back at him with livid disbelief.

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当我见到他时,他气得脸色铁青。When I met him, he became black in the face.

他气得脸色铁青,暴跳了起来。Dark-red in the face with anger, he jumped up.

永远不会有后来的“山那边的山铁青着脸”。Never have later " hill mountain is livid face".

壁画颜色除石绿以外,都是深暗铁青色。In addition to the green color of the murals, Shen An iron are blue.

杨晋纬见张占魁公报私仇,气得面色铁青极力解释。Yang Jinwei see Quebec accounted for lynching, grim-faced trying to explain.

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我告诉他整理房间直到我的脸色铁青,但是房间依旧一团乱。I can tell him to tidy his room until I'm blue in the face, but it's always a mess.

看着王莉铁青的脸,陈勇军心头涌上一阵报复的快感,他哼着小调扬长而去。Seeing Wang's unhappy face, Chen felt very delighted at his revenge. He went away singing.

那是在我出生时,爷爷在知道我是一个女孩时,就铁青了脸色,很不悦。That was when I was born, grandpa in the know I'm a girl, the metal gray face, am unhappy.

“我讨厌我的上司,”一位面色铁青的职员嘟哝说,“不管干什么,就没有听到他一句赞扬的话。”"I hate my boss, " a grim-faced office worker mutters. "He never shows appreciation for anything. "

那个地方到处是铁青的墙壁,污浊的水,一袋袋垃圾,一个个死去的动物的尸体。The place is full of ashen walls, dirty water, bags of garbage, one by one the bodies of dead animals.

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他推开车门,坐在方向盘后俯视着那个脸色铁青的警察。Not budging from behind the wheel, he opened the door and gazed downat the agent, whose face was stern and sallow.

此时逍遥宝殿上王母娘娘铁青着脸,玉皇大帝暴跳如雷,要我马上了解到底发生了什么样事。Treasure Palace, Queen livid at bamboos Zhao Lian, the Jade Emperor rage, I immediately know what exactly occurred.

我们周围没有一个人因为飞机的可能坠毁而看上去面色苍白或者铁青,绝望地撮着手。No one around us was looking pale or green, wringing their hands in despair at the possibility of the plane crashing.