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但它真的可以壮阳吗?But is it really an aphrodisiac?

多年来,牡蛎一直都被视成壮阳剂。Oysters have, for many years, been considered an aphrodisiac.

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这是雄性花卉的精子,因此被称为壮阳食物。It is the male seed of flowers, and is known as a fertility food.

在中国广东,人们吃虎鞭壮阳。The Chinese in Guangzhou eat tiger penis to boost sexual performance and stamina.

在马太地区东革阿里向来被当地人用做壮阳、滋补之用途。In Matthew region east has been used by locals leather ali aphrodisiac, nourishing purposes.

孙权则当断不断,优优柔柔地连壮阳也要靠一只草丛里的老虎来了断。Sun Quan is an indecisive man which even his sex life have to be depend on a tiger in the grass.

结果在20批补肾壮阳中药制剂中,有2批检出西地那非。RESULTS 20 batches TCM preparations were determined, batches of which contained sildenafil citrate.

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具有补肾壮阳、防抗衰老、清热解表、排毒利尿、提高食欲、增加活力等功效。It has effects, such as to make man stronger, keep younger, enhancement appetite, increase vigor and so on.

结论补肾壮阳方对更年期肾阳虚证模型大鼠有治疗作用。Conclusion BSZY was shown to be effective in the treatment of insufficiency of kidney-yang in climacteric rats.

可能是其梨形感观或香味十足而致有壮阳水果的美誉。It could be the sensuous pear shape or the rich flavor of the fruit that gives avocado its aphrodisiac reputation.

食物补肾壮阳效果如何?我18岁早泄,是食补效果好,还是吃壮阳药效果好?Food kidney impotence effects? I am 18 years old premature ejaculation, is the tonic effect, or eat a good aphrodisiac effect?

这是最让人津津乐道壮阳食品之一,因富含锌而使其成为爱与生育的代名词。One of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, oysters are high in zinc and have a reputation for being great for love and fertility.

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燕窝含有蛋白质、碳水化合物和一些纤维,但它们让皮肤光滑或者壮阳的机理未经证实。The nests contain protein, carbohydrates and some fiber, though how exactly they smooth skin or bolster sexual vigor is unproved.

目的建立检测壮阳制剂中非法掺入的伪伐地那非的专属性方法。Objective To develop a specific method for the identification of pseudo-vardenafil illegally added into anti-impotence preparations.

由于含有较高的能量成分锌,因此松子也被认为是壮阳食品,而这正是其所含有的油性“宝物”能提供“动能”所致。High in energizing zinc, pine nuts are also considered aphrodisiacs because of the effort required to procure these oily gems from pinecones.

目的研究海马壮阳软胶囊温肾壮阳的药理学基础。OBJECTIVE To investigate into the pharmacological basis of the effect of Haima Zhuangyang Capsule in warming the kidney and strengthening yang.

例如虎骨酒——将老虎的尸体浸泡在一个大缸中酿造而成的一种米酒——被认为是一种珍贵的缓解疲劳和壮阳的补品。Tiger bone wine — a rice alcohol brewed in a vat with the carcass of one of the cats — is prized as a tonic for fatigue and sexual potency, for example.

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有传言说这种生活在斯里兰卡的细长懒猴具有壮阳及治疗哮喘的作用,因此数百年来它们一直难逃被人们猎杀的厄运。The Slender Loris has been hunted for centuries in Sri Lanka for its purported qualities as an aphrodisiac, asthma cure and as a kind of living voodoo doll.

章鱼是韩国人世代相传的美食佳肴,章鱼的头更是长期以来与高营养联系起来,除此之外据说可以壮阳的品质更是使得他们闻名。A favorite dish for generations of Koreans, octopus heads have long been associated with good nutrition, not to mention their reputed qualities as an aphrodisiac.

更吸引人的一点是,枸杞所起到的壮阳功能令西方人喜出望外,于是精明的英国商家索性将枸杞称为「水果伟哥」。The more attractive a bit is played by male, medlar, so amazing that westerners function of the British businessman will simply smart lycium called "fruit viagra".