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是当时部队在临战或特定节日的祭祀、祈福的形式。In old times, Junnuo was a kind of fete before battles.

临战警察的应激能力正受到人们越来越广泛的重视。The studying of police stress facing battles is recognized widely in recent years.

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危机管理是警察临战学的理论基础。The theory of the crisis is the basic theory of the police being in the emergency theory.

其主要内容包括以德为先、以智取胜、治军以严、临战以勇、用人以信五个方面。Virtue, wisdom, discipline, bravery and good faith are the major elements of his thoughts.

据悉,上海各级防汛部门保持“临战状态”,确保上海安全度汛。The local flood prevention sectors have maintained high alert to ensure the safety of Shanghai.

运用成本—收益分析方法,可以为警察机关的临战活动提供有益的参考。It can offer some useful reference for the police action being in the emergency by using the method.

我所说的并非作壁上观或是临战退缩的一厢情愿的理想主义。I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight.

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如何做好网络舆情的临战引导,是对临战指挥者在新时期做好维护社会稳定工作的一个新考验。How to make net-mediated public sentiment emergency response guidance is new work to the emergency response commanders in new era.

随着各类暴力袭警案件不断增多,基层民警的临战控制能力时时面临考验。With the increasement of various violent crimes, the controlling capacity of the basic level policeman has to stand the test frequently.

这可以部分由政府直接征募完成,就象对待临战的紧要关头一样。It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war.

在连续数日对希拉里的强力抨击后,奥巴马阵营在临战最后一日将注意力集中在油价、税收以及就业等关乎生计的问题上。After several days of sharp attacks on Clinton, Obama began the final day focused on pocketbook issues such as the cost of gasoline, taxes and jobs.

警察临战学的理论体系应包括基础理论、应用理论、技术理论、史学理论等内容。The theoretical system of the study of policing facing battles can include the theories on the foundation, application, technology and history of policing.

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警察临战离不开谋略手段,谋略是警察临战克敌制胜的法宝。Policing facing battles can go nowhere without strategies in that strategies are the magic weapon for policing facing battles to win the victory over the enemy.

警察临战谋略具有激烈的对抗性,神秘的诡谲性,高度的保密性,有力的统合性和应用对象的针对性。The strategies of policing facing battles are fiercely antagonistic, mysteriously strange and changeful, highly secret, powerfully integrated, and clearly aimed.

最近,我曾问一位来自唐宁街的朋友,那个地方最近情绪如何,他回答我说,“老板在为我们进入临战状态而喝彩”。When I asked one Downing Street strategist recently what the mood in the bunker was like, he replied that "the boss cheers up the closer we get to a war footing".

强化警察临战谋略训练,将有利于增进警察组织内部凝聚力,有利于提高公安队伍现实战斗力,有利于强化民警执法应变能力。Strengthening the police facing battles training will be advantageous to promote the po- lice union, raise fighting strength and enhance the police contingency ability.

警察临战学是警察学科群中的一门应用学科,具有其独特的研究领域,与其相关学科存在着密切联系。The study of policing facing battles, with its own specific research scope and closely related to its relevant subjects, is an applied branch of learning in the family of the policing subjects.

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目的探讨现代战争的临战时期对军队在职护理人员实施救护技能的应急培训内容,以期迅速提高战伤救护水平,维护和提高部队战斗力,提高卫生战备水平。Objective To explore the contingent medical aid training for military nurses, so as to rapidly improve the rescue level of quality, to maintain and improve the combat effectiveness and readiness.