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这样一算,还是Volt更安全。This is safer.

不过你至少要算一算帐。But at least do the math.

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请你算一算我该付多少钱?Please reckon up how much I must pay.

算一算,你是否应该逃课?Wondering if you should skip class today?

我们用抑扬符表示一算符。We use a circumflex to indicate an operator.

掐指一算,大约步行了七公里路。I reckoned that we walked about 7 kilometers.

这是一个月前,所以你可以算一算。That was a month ago, so you can do the math.

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我建议你们找时间自己算一算I invite you to try this formula whenever you want.

请你算一算水果一共多少钱?Could you please calculate altogether how much money?

掐指一算,咱们已经一年没见了。Counting on my fingers, I see we haven't met for a year.

俺掐指一算,离上学的日子不远了。The an choke point to a count, the day is not far from school.

你需要算一算要花多少时间才能完成分配的任务。You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take.

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我们过去一算错答案,数学老师就把我们狠训一顿。My math teacher really used to jump on us when we got our answers wrong.

只要我们一算就会沉默下来—仅仅时断时续的两个小时睡觉时间。Silence fell as we all calculated – just two interrupted hours of sleep!

我得把家里的账算一算,这个月我们超支了一点。I've got to go over the household budget. We're a little overspent this month.

好的,夫人。让我算一算。您能稍等片刻吗?All right, ma'am. Let me do some calculations. Could you wait a moment, please?

请诸位算一算,这么大的钟乳石得需要多少个漫长的岁月啊!You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow.

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于是,我得坐下来算一算我每月得有多少收入才能收支平衡。So I needed to sit down and figure out exactly how much I'd need every month to get by.

一算横版飞行射击手游!画面不错!运行速度很流畅。A horizontal version count outbound flight shooters! Good picture! Speed is very smooth.

最后通过一算例验证了模型及其算法的可行性。The application of the model and its algorithm are illustrated with a practical example.