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然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Rubbings in the spread of civil cases.

对奴婢来说能看到皇上就已经是大幸了。I think I am lucky just to get to see him in person.

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爆炸发生在散戏以后,真是不幸中之大幸。It's a mercy that the explosion happened after the theatre.

事故就发生在离医院那么近的地方,真是不幸中之大幸。It's a mercy the accident happened so close to the hospital.

你让我独自一人在风中咆哮,我能全身而返,已经是大幸了。You sent me howling into the wind. I’m lucky to be all in one piece.

老天爷一定是要我们把酒喝了,庆祝不幸中的大幸。Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune.

如果他要是四九年就逝世的话,那真是中华民族的大幸啊!Had he die in 1949, that would be the big fortune for the Chinese race.

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然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Unfortunately, however, of great luck, it's been non-circulating Rubbings.

记住,有时候得不到自己想要的往往是一个大幸。Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

文化多样性是我们的共同遗产和人类之大幸。Cultural diversity is our shared heritage and the greatest opportunity before humanity.

在他们的爱情里,人生的大幸无过于夫妻美满结合,所配非人则终身怀恨。In their love life without the great fortune too happy combination of husband and wife, the life with the inhuman hatred.

本周曼谷的街头流血冲突事件唯一不幸之中的大幸就在于,这场事件没有演变得更加血腥。THE best that can be said about this week's bloody street battles in Bangkok is that they could have been so much bloodier.

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但是不幸中的大幸,如果你想知道的话,是他完全是自己做了这个决定,丝毫没有受到外界的影响。But, the silver lining, if you wanna see it, is that he made the decision all by himself without any outside help whatsoever.

不幸中的大幸,博物馆的镇馆之宝----图坦卡门的黄金面罩及来自他的墓穴的珍贵宝物仍在馆内未遭掠夺。Fortunately, the museum's chief attractions, the gold funerary mask of King Tutankhamun and other valuable items from his tomb, were not looted.

故在此相对世界能觅到终极真理者必为大幸——此人实属幸运儿,全然蒙受天地鸿福之佑!Therefore, one must be fortunate enough to have found the ultimate Truth in the relative world. A lucky soul indeed, fully blessed by all the good fortunes!