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植物的茸毛像针一样细。The hairs on a plant are fine like threads.

我什么都看不见,但可以感受到它身上的茸毛摩擦着我的鼻孔。I can't see a thing, but I can feel his fuzz in my nostrils.

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刚长出来的嫩芽上有些细小的茸毛。There is some tiny fuzz on the newly emerged tender sprouts.

维纳斯捕蝇草细细茸毛如被轻触两次,它就会“啪”一声扣上。Venus flytrap snaps shut if its tiny hairs are brushed twice.

“白云”的第一胎大约有4英寸长,浑身长满了白色的茸毛。Bai Yun's newborn was about 4 inches long and covered with white fuzz.

许多狼蛛腹部覆盖着密集的刺状茸毛。Many tarantulas have a dense covering of stinging hairs on the abdomen.

棉花在植株上作为附着在种籽上的长茸毛在棉铃里生长发育。The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll.

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褐色的头发,褐色的眼睛,褐色的夏日皮肤,光突突的胳膊上长着金色的茸毛。Brown hair, brown eyes, brown summer skin, with tiny golden hairs on her bare arms.

我还记得自己的一些例如拔地毯的茸毛或者旋转盘子几个小时的行为。I remember some behaviors like picking carpet fuzz and watching spinning plates for hours.

发现叶下部茸毛的类型和颜色可作为较明显的鉴别特征。Obvious distinctive features of color and types of villi on the back of the leaf were found.

叶片茸毛数和谷壳稃毛数都以主基因遗传为主。The numbers of leaf pubescences and hull pubescences were all mainly governed by major genes.

他喜欢就这样在家里走来走去,他对自己V字体形和长满金黄色茸毛的皮肤感到很自豪。He liked to go around the house like that, he was proud of his V-shaped body, the golden skin.

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并介绍了提高名牌生丝茸毛分级度的经验和措施。The experience and measures to improve lousiness gradation for famous brands of raw silk are presented.

在几个番茄茸毛突变体与对应的野生型中,这个基因表达量存在明显差异。Also significant differences of ShMYB1 expression were detected between several trichome mutants and their wild types.

茸毛与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成。A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.

在光学显微镜下观察了粳稻叶片茸毛在叶面上的分布特征和谷壳稃毛在谷壳上的分布特征。Distribution characteristics of leaf pubescence on leaf blade and hull pubescence on hull were observed under an optical microscope.

对不同季别,不同品种的原料茧与生丝茸毛成绩的关系、茸毛形态作了研究。Data of silk exfoliation in relation with raw cocoons of different species and seasons, and exterior apperance of silk exfoliation were studied.

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出现茸毛,结荚习性,叶片大小、形状等变异,扩大了大豆种质来源。There also appeared variations in pubescence growth, pod-bearing and foliar size and shape, etc, which expanded the sources of soybean germplasm.

刚下机的棉织物,应该除去纤维头和茸毛,因为要求布面是光洁的。如果织物需要印花,这一点就更加重要。When cotton cloth comes from the loom, the fiber ends or fuzz must be removed, because a smooth surface is necessary, particularly if the cloth is to be printed.

目前对植物器官细节化模拟的研究多集中在植物器官的整体表现,而对类似植物茸毛的细节模拟很少。Most works for detail simulate for plant organs are focused on the overall performance of plant organs at present, while works for plant hairs are relatively less.