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刚出炉的小餐包正在特价中。Fresh-baked buns are on sale.

本项世界排名已经新鲜出炉了。The world giving index is out.

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从洗碗机里新鲜出炉的热腾腾的蛋糕。Hot and fresh out of the dishwasher.

花了几个星期的时间,男主人公出炉了。The male lead was in for a few weeks.

最新男子网球世界排名出炉。The new men's tennis rankings are out.

来一起看看下面新出炉的红色地带预告片吧。Check out the new red-band trailer below.

面包卷如果是刚出炉的,则会很香。Fresh from the oven, rolls are delicious.

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骨灰出炉前我们和火化师父说好在炉前等。I waited for her cremains by the ashes furnace.

NBA2011-12的赛程已经火热出炉了。The schedule is set for the 2011-12 NBA season.

然后就有令人震惊的糟糕经济报告出炉。Then there are stunningly bad economic reports.

你们这里有刚出炉多纳圈卖吗?Do you have any fresh braked donuts for sale yet?

新鲜出炉的柠檬BUNDT蛋糕还有咖啡和茶!Lemon Bundt Cake freshly made with coffee or tea!

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维氏系列厨刀新鲜出炉。The new forged kitchen knife range from Victorinox.

最后这道菜出炉,准备好给你的家人带来惊奇哦!祝你们好胃口!The dish is ready to scare your family! Bon appetit!

顾客们始终能在面包店里闻到新鲜出炉的面包香味。One could always feel fine smell of just-baked bread.

今年第五季“美国偶像”新鲜出炉。This year, the 5th American Idol is new- ly-publicated.

定时器嘟嘟响过,我们把蛋糕取出炉。When the timer beeped, we took the cake out of the oven.

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柴什承诺下个月将有更详细的方案出炉。Cheshire has promised a more detailed plan by next month.

本周一没有主要经济报告或公司财报出炉。No major economic or earnings reports are due out Monday.

该报告出炉于地球2010年持续炙热的关头。The report comes as the Earth continues to sizzle in 2010.