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老实说,你爱美吗?To be frank, do you love beauty?

爱美是人的天性。It's human nature to love beauty.

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而他爱露丝又甚于爱美。And more than beauty he loved Ruth.

不过每个人都爱美啊。But everyone loves to be beautiful.

爱美就是要求光明。To love beauty is to see the light.

爱美去买爬山运动服,遇到有情。Aimei bumps into Youqing on her shopping trip.

爱美之心人皆有之,只不过如何辩证的去看待而已罢了!The love of beauty, but how to dialectic to see it!

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人不爱美,天诛地灭。介绍有关酒店娱乐!Everyone for her beauty and the devil take the hindmost.

好色慕艾,爱美之心人皆有之。Lewd , the heart person of the love of beauty all has it.

有情向爱美询问她和岳光的关系,爱美犹豫。Youqing asked Aimei about her relationship with Yueguang.

爱美之心,人皆有之,特别是女性!Love beautiful heart, the person all has, especially women!

这就是人类的本性--男人爱钱,女人爱美。Such is human nature, that man like money women like beauty.

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古人也云,爱美之心,人皆有之。The sage said, The heart of loving beauty exists everywhere.

圣爱美浓是波尔多地区最古老的酒区。Saint-Emilion is the oldest wine area of the Bordeaux region.

爱美之心人皆有之,更何况是正处在青春期呢。Heart of beauty in everyone, not to mention it is in adolescence.

圣爱美浓葡萄酒比认为是波尔多地区最浓烈的葡萄酒。Saint Emilion wines are considered the most robust of the Bordeaux.

大自然满足了一个较为崇高的需要,即爱美之心。---爱默生。A nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of beauty.

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她自己就是个爱美的小姑娘,穿上漂亮的衣服宛然也是一个小公主。She likes sparkly dresses, and when she wears one she is a princess too.

骨子里逃脱不了那股爱美的天性,竟然不知天高地厚地做起了公主的美梦。Bones can not escape the beauty of nature, even arrogant made Princess dream.

她主演电影中,像“绅士爱美人”在1963五十。She starred in films like "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" in nineteen fifty-three.