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现在,我相信领养。I believe in adoption now.

哪个角色是被领养带大的呢?Which of the characters is adopted?

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可是没有一个中国人领养她。But not a single Chinese adopted her.

现在还有这两头小猫咪在等待领养。Now J3 and J4 are waiting for theirs.

龙洞是一个可免费领养龙蛋的网站。Dragon Cave is a free adoptables site.

弗莱格一直都知道自己是被领养的。Flaig had always known he was adopted.

我们可以领养一个孤儿,或将孩子给人收养。We may keep an orphan or adopt it out.

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我母亲四岁时被人领养。My mother was adopted when she was four.

她被迫把婴儿给人领养。She was forced to have her baby adopted.

一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.

我想要有自己的孩子,不过也会领养。I want to have my own kids, but also adopt.


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乔布斯还是婴儿的时候就被人领养了。Mr. Jobs was put up for adoption as a baby.

取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy!

你是怎么给一个领养的小孩取名的呢?How do you choose a name for an adopted child?

另有378只狗和猫被人领养。New owners have adopted 378 other dogs and cats.

最理想的领养家庭是家中没有饲养其他犬的老年夫妇。Ideally, I want an older couple with no other dogs.

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一多半甚至不用去领养中心。Over half never even made it to the adoption center.

坏消息是你不能领养那狗了。The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog.

请指出混血、异父母所生或领养关系。Indicate half blood, step or adoptive relation-ships.