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琐碎杂事扼杀了他的才能。His talent smothered in his trifles.

你为什么非要挑我去干那些杂事呢?Why should you pick on me to do the chores?

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如必须做点杂事,且静品茶一杯。If you must do something else, have some tea.

在洗过碗和做过厨房杂事之后,我用杏仁牛奶护手霜。After doing dishes or kitchen chores, I use Almond Milk.

他来之前我才正在整理账单等杂事。I was just taking care of bills etm. before he came over.

如果你能从日程表中抛弃些许杂事,试着增加到20或30分钟。Try 20 or 30 if you can drop a couple things from your schedule.

你躺在你的床上是否被下一百个琐碎的杂事在你的脑海里给折腾得翻江倒海?Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head?

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如果你按时更新的话,这就不会成为恐怖的假期杂事了。If you do this on a regular basis, it does not become a dreaded holiday chore.

如果生活中的琐碎杂事阻碍了你的出行计划,决不要放下你的安排。Should life trip up your plans for a romantic holiday, don't let that stop you.

她希望员工每星期分担办公室重要巡视的杂事。She wants employees to share the chore of leading tours of the office each week.

守静。不受杂事或普通社交应酬干扰。Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

在一个农场上长大,当做家务杂事或者工作的时间到了,你是不会迟到的。Growing up on a farm you’re just not late when it’s time to do chores or go to work.

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“佛斯特”先生去做家务杂事了,而我们的谈话也开始转向了山顶上的小别墅。Foster had gone to do chores and the conversation had moved up the hill to her cottage.

增加收入的一个方法就是再一次捡起我们“外包”给别人的杂事。One way to boost our income is to take back many of the chores we outsourced to others.

驾驭如今,我对本身说,并尽大要不受有关假期的杂事影响。Carpe diem, I tell myself, and try not to get bogged down with thoughts of the holidays.

打扫浴室,擦鞋,清理更衣室,搬运训练器材,这些杂事对他都算不了什么。He would clean out the bath, clean the boots and the changing rooms, and hang out the kit.

后来我得知在第一次世界大战爆发前不久,有一家杂事也刊登过这个柜式的一个版本。Later I learned that a magazine version of it appeared shortly before the First World War.

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他们并不着忙,一旦有浓密的树荫,就聚在一起谈谈他们的杂事。They were not in a hurry, and would gather to talk of their doings wherever there was deep shade.

作为领导,你有可能被杂事缠身,诸如联系沟通,有关要求,新任务,倡议等事项。As a leader, you are likely to be inundated withcommunications, requests, new tasks, and initiatives.

在你的脑子里装的杂事越多,你的头脑就变得越发迟钝。The more miscellaneous commitments you try to juggle in your mind, the less efficient your mind becomes.