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实现教练员选聘制度,公开选拔优秀教练员。Coaches realize hiring system, open selection of outstanding coaches.

这促使很多雇主评价其人才选聘政策。This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.

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选聘高水平教师,实行教师双向交流制度。Invite high qulity of teacher, carry out institution of teachers' two-sided exchanging.

选聘优秀大学毕业生到农村任职是党中央做出的一项意义深远的重大决定。To employ excellent college graduates as villages officials is an important decision made by the Party.

建立和完善选聘机制,是提高教师队伍素质的关键。Establishing and improving the selecting teachers' mechanism is the key to improve the quality of faculty.

因此高职院校的“双师型”专职教师培养应以选聘产业一线出类拔萃的技术精英为主。So training of double-certificate teachers at colleges should be based on outstanding technical elites at the production line.

如所谈及的那样,我们正在GZ范围内选聘因特网频道财务经理,今附上相关的JD资料供您参考。As mentioned, we are searching Channel Account Manager for Intel in GZ and attached please find the related JD for your reference.

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“选聘-全拨款”式和“直选-补助”式是不完全的基层自治。The "election and appointment-full allocation" mode and the "direct election- subsidy" mode are incomplete grassroots self-government.

学校为特聘教授配备科研助手,在人才选聘和队伍建设方面给予政策支持。An SMU Specially-Appointed Professor is assigned research assistants and enjoys policy support in selecting team members and developing the team.

实地访谈调查的结果为独立董事的选聘、任职、评价和监管提供了可参考的事实和实例。Field studies provide some referential evidences and cases for selections, employment, evaluation and supervision for independent directors systems.

高校体育教育人力资源在选聘、使用、职后教育、流通等方面,还存在着不尽如人意之处。There still exists something unsatisfactory in the selection and engagement, use and circulation of PE human resources in colleges and universities.

该文认为,现行审计委托代理关系中审计师选聘权安排是独立性威胁存在的客观基础。This paper maintains that in the current auditing relations, the right of selecting auditors acted by corporations is the objective basis of independence threat.

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本文分析了当前研究生导师队伍的现状,提出改革导师选聘制度,打破“导师终身制”。This article analyses the present status of the tutor team, and introduces mechanism reformations of being elected and appointed tutor in order to break tutor lifetime.

各委员会的其他成员根据工作需要,由居委会协同各委员会负责人选聘或考聘。Other members of each committee are appointed by selection or examination by the residents' committee in cooperation with various committees according to operational needs.

在H人力资源,平时我与基于F的客户一起工作,这些客户目前正在选聘一名人力资源经理持久的加入他们的工作团队。At Hays Human Resources I am currently working alongside our Farnborough based client who is currently seeking to recruit a HR Manager to join their team on a permanent basis.

国家提倡其他物业的建设单位通过招投标的方式,选聘具有相应资质的物业管理企业。The state promotes that the construction entities of other realty engage the realty management enterprises with the corresponding qualification via bid invitation and bidding.

选聘高校毕业生到农村任职,对于加快社会主义新农村建设,培养农村干部队伍,增强基层组织活力具有重大意义。Hiring college graduates to serve in rural areas can promote the construction of new socialist countryside, cultivate rural officers and increase the primary organization vigor.

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要建立科学、合理的人员选聘机制,客观评价每一位职工的能力和水平,将职工安排到其可以胜任的岗位。To establish a scientific and rational personnel selection mechanism, an objective evaluation of each employee's ability and level, the staff can arrange to its qualified status.

本章结合我国独立审计市场的特点,提出五点特殊因素使得招投标制在注册会计师选聘中异化现象突出,进而对注册会计师成本补偿构成严重威胁。According to the characteristics of auditing market in China, there are five factors that cause the variation of audit tendering and threatens the cost compensation of audit firms.

高校尤其应加强选聘制度化建设,实行真正的聘任制以提高教师队伍素质,疏通合理流通的渠道。Colleges and universities should strengthen systematization building of selection and engagement system to improve the quality of teacher ranks, smooth channels for rational circulation.