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返璞归真,这是新的传统风格。Back to Basics. This is the New Traditional Style.

有些人建议我们该返璞归真,学习祖先Some people have said let's go back to what our ancestors ate.

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他的问题是一个变得复杂了的人如何返璞归真的问题。His problem is that of the complicated man recovering his original simplicity.

简洁的装饰,木质的墙面,让人不禁有种返璞归真的亲切与自然。Minimal decoration style and wooden walls around bring refreshing harmony of the nature.

浓郁的乡土气息,返璞归真的自然感觉,给人淳朴、宁静的体验。The rich rustic breath, gives up the nature feeling simple and honorable, tranquil experience.

森林系女孩返璞归真,仿若天成的纯真生活!Forest Department of the girl back to nature, are like heaven's pure life, please pay attention!

但有时正是这些简单工具让我们返璞归真。Sometimes, though, simple tools like this are exactly what it takes to bring usback to the basics.

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这榨汁机蒸汽由返璞归真创造美味,健康…您只需填写底部的榨汁机,填补了水与顶部漏勺。You need only to fill the bottom of the juice, and fill with water and the upper part of the refinery.

在经济危机的泡沫中,旅行者已经返璞归真,在合适的价格基础上追求更好的品质。Amid the economic rubble, travelers have adopted a back-to-basics mentality, seeking quality at the right price.

越来越多的人喜欢亲近自然,在山山水水中找寻返璞归真的灵气。More and more people incline to getting close to nature to look for primitive inspiration from mountains and rivers.

你要是那种一听到返璞归真就害怕的人,那么让你丢掉所有的身外之物听起来就更吓人了。To the people who aren't initially scared off by going minimal, getting rid of all your stuff can sound terribly attractive.

本主题用简单的色块打造出手工木刻的套印质朴感,返璞归真,雕刻出生活中美好的回忆。This set of icon creates natural beauty of manual wood engraving with simple color blocks, and carves out beautiful memory of life.

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金鱼---此作品似乎让您回归到西方中世纪的音乐,也标志着现代音乐作品的返璞归真。This work allows you to return back to the western music of Mid-century which remarks back to nature of the contemporary music works.

温雅经典,浪漫温馨的卫浴空间,赋予了生命返璞归真的自然质感。Wen Ya is classical, romance defends bath space sweetly, gifted life returns uncut jade to return to feel naturally really character.

未来生态城市发展之路,返璞归真自然先行,生态经济民生紧随其后。Developing future eco-city which back to nature in the natural first, economic and livelihood will be better followed by eco-environment.

自然色调的棕色通常表示务实和诚实的性质,或者是梦者向往着一些返璞归真的事情。The natural tone of brown often indicates a practical and honest nature or that the dreamer is yearning for things to get back to basics.

住宅是返璞归真的一种表现,是对建筑师所学到的智慧的一种开发和终极理解。Osprey Nest is the expression of a return to fundamentals, the exploration and subsequent interpretation of what an architect has learned.

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当如此多的人在赶着完成工作、准备晚餐时,地球赐予了我们一份美妙的礼物——这一刻返璞归真的美景。While so many of us are rushing to finish work or get dinner on the table, the earth is giving us a great gift -- a moment of pure, unfiltered beauty.

这次展出的刘建华作品中所透出的那种返璞归真的气质也是对外部社会逐渐失去真实感,越发变得错综复杂、扑朔迷离现状的一种抗拒。The works in Liu Jianhua's solo show are in direct conflict to the status quo that society is becoming more and more unreal, complicated, and confusing.

或许,在将来,这个生态卫星城,能解决的不仅仅是食品安全的问题,还可能会激起都市人的返璞归真、回归田园的一种向往。Perhaps in the future, the satellite towns of this ecosystem, not only can solve the problem of food security, but also may arouse city people back to nature.