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斯利那加的旅馆、游艇、餐馆都人满为患。Srinagar's hotels, houseboats and cafés are crammed.

芭比专卖店在周末的这个时候人满为患。The Barbie store is packed on weekends at the moment.

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一年以前,那些夜总会总是人满为患。A year ago, those nightclubs were packed with revelers.

监狱里人满为患,而田地却无人耕种。The prisons are as over-crowded as the farmlands are empty.

就到了期中考试,实验室也开始人满为患,that's when midterms and labs and whatnots starts piling up.

教室人满为患,一些孩子只好在走廊上课。Some kids study in the corridors as the classes are overcrowded.

宫城县厅前去往山形的巴士站,从昨天开始人满为患。Yamagata Miyagi Prefectural to go to the bus stop, from yesterday overcrowded.

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体育馆人满为患,喧哗声让我们什么都听不见。The gym was crowded to capacity, and the volume of noise made us unable to hear.

护理养老院已经人满为患了,谁愿意接受有前科的人呢?Nursing care homes already are full. Who would be willing to accept former convicts?

因此,医生办公室总是人满为患,而许多牧师的咨询室却是空的。Hence doctors' offices are overcrowded, and many ministers' counseling rooms are empty.

农历年的最初几天,上海的产科病房人满为患。Maternity wards in Shanghai were overcrowded during the first few days of the lunar year.

从莫斯科开往托氏死后被运回的亚斯纳亚波良纳的列车,人满为患。Trains from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana, where he was brought after his death, were packed.

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随着旅游热的兴起,所有风景区人满为患。Along with thc development of the tourist trade, all of famous scenic spot rull oftourlist.

刑事司法系统被搞得焦头烂额,而监狱里已经人满为患了。The criminal-justice system is overwhelmed, and the prisons are filled far beyond capacity.

我去曼德拉湾见朋友,那里人满为患,座位都找不到。When I go to meet a friend by the pool at the Mandalay Bay, it's too crowded to find chairs.

而在隔壁由欧洲数字文人论坛DLD举办的酒会则是热火朝天,人满为患。Next door, the nightcap staged by DLD, the European forum for digerati, was packed and rocking.

这些年来,随着国内基督教徒与日倍增,中国许多教堂都人满为患。Many of China's churches are overflowing, as the number of Christians in the country multiplies.

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驱逐印度囚犯意味着政府所称人满为患的英国监狱将会得到缓和。Deporting them would also mean unclogging British prisons which the government says are 'quite full'.

她可以站在人满为患的房子中间,却依然感觉到自己独自关在“里屋”中。She could be in the middle of a house full of people and still feel like she was locked up by herself.

法令将禁止小镇居民"英年早逝",因为镇上的墓地已经"人满为患"。They plan to prohibit residents from dying early because the local cemetery has reached full capacity.