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其方剂之组成则以君、臣、佐、使之团队精神为规范。The formation of formula has group spirit with cascade class.

不要方剂把图层都放在’header’层文件夹里面。Don’t forget to put all these graphics inside the “header” layer

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证明了该方是治疗善太息证的有效方剂,值得推广。Had proven this side is medicinal preparation, and is worth promoting.

许多有效的方剂也就理所当然的成为秘方。Many effective prescription will become a matter of course the recipe.

但这些方子论疗效却是其它的方剂所无法比拟的。But the effect of these Fang On the other is unmatched by prescription.

外用方剂多为杀虫攻毒、破瘀化结、清热燥湿之品。External prescription includes clearing heat and moistness dryness and so on.

配伍理论是方剂学理论的核心。The prescription compatibility theory is the core of Chinese medical formulae.

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其他抗生素、祛痰剂、草药方剂组,即对照组。Other antibiotibiotics , expectorant and herbs prescription, the control group.

临床应用最多的方剂为温胆汤合四君子汤加减。The treatment of that is typically using Wendan Decoction and Sijunzi Decoction.

同时本文还基于中医的阴阳寒热理论,对方剂做了系统的研究。Also, chills and fever theory of traditional Chinese medicine is studied in this article.

方剂的核心药物为熟地黄、枸杞子、茯苓、当归、菟丝子、川芎、山药。The core prescription drugs rehmannia, wolfberry fruit, Poria, Angelica, Semen, Chuan Xiong, yam.

药物与方剂有机结合,保存大量汉晋魏唐名方及民间验方。Developed row pharmacognosy in the ancient times. made medicine and prescription combined organically.

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所以中医才能总结出一些基本的治疗原则、久试不爽的固定方剂,也才能不断生产“成药”。That is the reason why TCM has developed some basic therapeutic principles and effective prescriptions.

西凤在拾掇衣物时发现了多年前向南开的一张方剂,计上心头。West chicken in clean clothes when discovered many years ago to a formula of nankai, meter in my heart.

化痰通络汤是治疗脑梗死急性期的有效方剂,但其作用机制尚未彻底阐明。Large number of studies have shown that the Huatan Tongluo Decoction is an effective way to treat the ACI.

我们可从对这两类方书特点的探讨得到有益于现代方剂学发展的启示。So it is useful to the development of modern pharmacology of TCM by studying the two types of formularies.

文章最后论述了方剂功效理论研究的重要性与可行性。The article also discusses the importance and feasibility of study the theory for prescription efficiency.

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中医方剂在机体中的作用十分复杂,存在着大量的不确定信息。There are a lot of uncertain information because of the complicated effect of prescription in TCM in body.

证明了该方是治疗过敏性紫癜湿邪阻络型的有效方剂,值得推广。Show that the side are the treatment of allergic purpura recovery effective prescriptions, worth promoting.

目的研究通络方剂对糖尿病大鼠肾脏的保护作用及机制。Objective To observe the effect of Tongluo prescription on antioxidative ability of kidney in diabetic rats.