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胡志明博物馆的正门口。Ho Chi Minh Museum. Main entrance.

酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌。There's a big sign in front of it.

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他把车子直开到正门前。He drove right up to the front door.

庄园的正门没锁。The front door of the Manor was unlocked.

这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.

台北帝国大学正门。The Front Gate of Taihoku Imperial University.

看,这就是西大校园的正门。Look , this is the frontispiece of the university.

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米里亚姆继续说道,“正门上有个很大的控制面板。Miriam continued, 'There is a big panel at the door.

你应该从正门进入这个青年旅社。You should enter the youth hostel by the front door.

却不进正门,只进了西边角门。But not into the main gate, only into the west Jiaomen.

地铁五号线车站与社区正门近在咫尺。Metro Line 5 station and the community close the main entrance.

在正门入口处,大红的中国灯笼高高悬挂着。Chinese lanterns hang from the ceilings of the main entrance hall.

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现在,真夜正站在国家图书馆的正门前。Mayo stood before the automatic door of the Toritsu Chuuou library.

正门面对着主要城市广场,大兴宫市民广场。The main entrance faces the main city square, Daxing Gong Shi Min Square.

在正门的北方,在巨大的中庭外是五座大理石桥。North of the front gate, a great courtyard lies beyond five marble bridges.

正门却不开,只有东西两角门有人出入。Do not open the main gate, the only thing some people out of Liangjiao door.

海洋公园的正门设在黄竹坑公园的入口处。The sea park's main entrance is located in the whangee pit park the entrance.

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正门建筑犹如彩虹飞架、气势磅礴宏伟。Front entrance building just looks like a rainbow, full of power and grandeur.

但是,监狱中只有高墙和正门,没有栅栏。However, apart from the high walls and the main gate, there are no prison bars.

从这些区域开始,他们会游行到国内税务署在宪法大街1111号的正门入口。From these areas they will march to the IRS main entrance at 1111 Constitution Ave.