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我认为你是奸诈自不量力的小…I think you are a sneaky.

别太自不量力了,你还有很多要学。We didn't have enough to get by.

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不要贪多嚼不烂。不要自不量力。Don't bite off more than one can chew.

我不打算自不量力假设这些相机是专门为我准备。I'm not going to flatter myself by assuming these cameras are for me.

许多持卡人自不量力,让卡债逼上绝路。Many card holders who don't know their limits get into debts over their heads.

当她说她将要做这份工作时,我想她是自不量力。When she said she would do the job I think she bit off more than she could chew.

我敢断定,他若是无意于我的话,他的两个姐妹把他看得那么好,她们肯定会认为我自不量力,没有自知之明。I am sure his sisters, rating him as they do, must have thought it so, supposing he had meant nothing.

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如果我们过于重视成就并以名人的标准来要求自己,我们必将成为自不量力的牺牲品。If we value achievement and adopt celebrity standards, we will certainly fall victim to our own excess.

詹姆士在大学最后一学期选修了十八个学分。他简直是自不量力。When James registered for 18units in his last semester at college, he bite off more than he could chew.

这次他自不量力地吹牛说如果他乐意,他能够凭空给国王陛下带来一个王子。He has now boasted that if he liked, he could cause a son to be brought to the Lord King through the air.

此成语用来比喻力量很小却想撼动强大的事物,自不量力。This idiom later was used to indicate overestimating one's power and trying to overthrow someone much stronger.

预测2050年的技术简直是自不量力,而打算预测那时的社会和地理政治变化就更是自不量力了。It would be foolhardy to venture technological predictions for 2050. Even more so to predict social and geopolitical changes.

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是自不量力吧,可这次在我们的MSN里没有赞成或反对的议论了,大家约好一起去体检。It is a crackpot idea, this time in our MSN is not in favor of or against the arguments we made an appointment to go to a medical examination.

凡事不可自不量力,应该脚踏实地全力以赴,积小胜为大胜,总有一天就能尝到成功的果实!Everything can not be presumptuous, it should go all out down to earth, and turned small victories, one day it will be able to taste the fruit of success!

当你确实有时很难说“不”,尤其是对那些与你爱的人,在同一时间,你就不用做一个服务任何人当你自不量力。While it's true that you sometimes have difficulty saying "no" to those you love, at the same time, you're not doing a service to anyone when you bite off more than you can chew.