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请找出反函数,并绘图。Please find the inverse function and sketch.

采用反函数放大器就可以解决这个问题。This can be easily solved by using an inverse function amplifier.

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反函数提供频率和时间间隔的测量。Counter functions provide frequency and time interval measurements.

一个阈函数的对偶函数及反函数也是一个阈函数。Both the dual and complement of such functions are also threshold function.

冗余函数和自反函数为特殊布尔函数。The redundant function and self-negative function are special Boolean functions.

被限定的正弦函数之反函数叫做反正弦函数。The inverse function of that restricted sine function is called the arcsine function.

被限定的余弦函数之反函数叫做反余弦函数。The inverse function of that restricted cosine function is called the arccosine function.

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结果表明,费尔哈斯反函数模型在短临预报中具有较高精度。It shows that Verhulst inverse-function model has a high precision in the short term prediction of landslides.

随机变量的分布函数及其反函数在概率论中占有重要地位。Random variable distribution functions and their inverse functions take an important role in probability theory.

可靠性理论中,可靠度函数及其反函数通常都是未知的,需要依据样本进行估计。In the reliability theory, reliability function and its inverse function are usually unknown and need to be estimated by using sample.

本文利用整体反函数理论,研究了半线性二阶微分方程周期边值问题,给出了周期解存在唯一性的充分条件。The existence and uniqueness about semilinear second-order differential equation are established by using global inverse function theorems.

利用这种表示反函数的方法,可简化一些逻辑等式的证明过程,并可使一些逻辑电路的设计过程简化。The method to get it can be used to simplify the proving process of some logic equations, as well as some design processes of logical circuit.

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将描述拟稳定流径向水动力弥散过程的近似解析解进行反函数变换。Inver function transformation has been conducted on the approximation analytical solution describing the quasi steady radial flow dispersion in this paper.

给出几何变换函数的反函数的数学模型,以及变换域和外域之间的场量变换公式。The inverse function of the geometric transformation method and formula of magnetic field intensities from transformation region to external one are given.

在非线性段则用两个改进的BP神经网络分别映射其反函数作为校正环节,从而实现非线性误差校正。In the meantime, the inverse functions of nonlinear segments are mapped using two improved BP neural networks. Thus, the correction of nonlinear error is realized.

把效用函数引入信息安全风险领域,利用其反函数,定义绝对损失效应和相对损失效应,用以度量安全风险。Utility function was introduced into security risk area, and its inverse function is used to define absolute loss effect and relative loss effect as measure of risk.

本文运用整体反函数理论证明了一类半线性方程边值问题周期解的存在唯一性,推广和改进了已有的一些结果。The global inverse function theorem is applied for the existence and uniqueness of periodical solutions to the semilinear boundary value problems. Some results are improved.

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当单调函数的反函数不能显性表示时,连续型随机变量的分布密度曲线仍可通过参数方程的形式获得。When a inverse function of monotone function can not show the explicit formula, the distribution density curve of continuous randon variable can be gained with a parametric equation.

文章利用其中间点的居中性及严格单调函数必存在反函数的性质,探讨了几种两相异正数平均的导出。In this paper, of which the middle between the points and there exists strictly monotonic function of the inverse function of the nature of some average of two different positive export.

本文明确表达了反函数微分法则的逆定理,基于此定理提出一种积分法,并举例说明了其运用方法。This article explicitly expressed converse theorem of the inverse function differential principle, Based on this theorem, the author proposed one kind of integration, then gave some examples.