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盒子里里外外都漆过了。The box was painted within and without.

请务必将车库里里外外都冲洗干净。Make sure the garage is well swilled out.

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蟾宫的里里外外,每一寸地方,我都了如指掌。I know every inch of Toad Hall, inside and out.

我们乡村的里里外外要莳植更多的树。More trees will be planed in and aroud our village.

线索把那屋子里里外外都搜遍了。The police ferreted about all over the house for clues.

那人拿着电筒把整个屋子里里外外搜查了一遍。The man searched the whole house with a flashlight inside out.

我知道虾的里里外外每件事。I know everything there is to know about the shrimping business.

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里里外外,白皑皑一片。一整个星期天空都灰蒙蒙。White everywhere on ground, grey occupied the sky for a whole week.

里里外外一把手,穷人的孩子早当家。In in out out one handle, the poor family's child can get marry earlier.

这个月清真寺里里外外的景象可以说是叹为观止啊!The scene around and in the mosques is really fascinating in this month.

早餐之后我离开家的时候,我的里里外外都在颤抖。As I left home after breakfast, I shivered inwardly as well as outwardly.

在这里,将了解到这座塔里里外外的故事,而且是独家喔。Here is an exclusive view of the tower both from the outside and from within.

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她穿着几件衬衫,牛仔裤里还穿着几条运动裤,里里外外裹了许多层。She was bundled in numerous layers, including several shirts and sweatpants under her jeans.

我们进入摩纳哥大教堂,非常漂亮,里里外外看上去还很新。We entered Monaco cathedral, which was very beautiful, seemed almost new, from outside and inside.

审判日到了,远近的民众纷纷聚集在那里,塞满了公审场的里里外外。The day of the trial arrived. From far and near the people gathered in the arena and outside its walls.

此刻的老屋,里里外外都被重新粉刷了一遍,车库门上的涂鸦作品也被抹去,窗上还挂起了新窗帘。It had a fresh paint job, the gang graffiti erased from the garage door. New curtains hung in the window.

珠儿在家中,并不想在母亲茅屋的里里外外结识很多各种各样的伙伴。At home, within and around her mother's cottage, Pearl wanted not a wide and various circle of acquaintance.

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两个手持AK47的年轻人看守着我们,还有其他士兵里里外外地走着,不时还来嘲笑我们。We were guarded by two young men with AK-47s, and other soldiers wandered in and out, sometimes taunting us.

用粗盐里里外外摩擦火鸡,然后将火鸡放到一个大锅里,倒满冷水。Rub the turkey inside and out with the kosher salt. Place the bird in a large stock pot, and cover with cold water.

和平和幸福,里里外外都是完全的极乐,所有灵魂都会臣服于着天堂般的生活。Peace and happiness within and without is absolute bliss, and to be with souls exactly alike in this respect is heavenly.