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山歌不唱忘记多。Folks songs are forgotten when not sung.

山歌是右江地区群众最为喜爱的艺术形式。Ballad is a favorite art for people in Youjiang area.

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新化山歌是中华民歌中的一颗璀璨的明珠。Xinhua folk songs are a bright pearl in Chinese folk songs.

这些又称秧田歌、田山歌、插田歌、蓐秧鼓、蓐草锣鼓等。These songs are also called field-planting or weeding drum songs.

广东客家山歌是中国民间艺苑中一支独具异彩的奇葩。Hakka Folk Songs in Guangdong is an artistic miracle of folk arts in China.

本期节目将带你进入客家山歌的世界,领略精彩的岭南风情。This program will take you into a world Hakka folk, enjoy exciting Lingnan Customs.

甘肃的号子有劳动号子、花号子和山歌号子三种。Gansu's chant of the labor chant, flowers chant and chant three kinds of folk songs.

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当下广东客家山歌夕阳正红,但是后继者亟待培养。Now Guangdong Hakka's Folk Song is ancient and energetic, and successors are needed urgently.

在你参观客家围屋时,你还有机会聆听客家山歌,品尝客家美食。While visiting the Hakka Enclosed House, you may have a chance to listen to Hakka songs and taste Hakka food.

最近在听一首歌,是杨钰莹唱的茶花山歌,很好听,你有时间可以去试听下。In the last hearing a song is sung Camellia Folk Song Yang Yuying, a good listen, you have the time to listen.

通过山歌传情、草标幽会,检验出彼此的才智和人品。Wisdom and character of each other are tested by expressing love with folk songs, trysting with grassy objects.

第四部分即第四章,主要探讨了新化陶情山歌的演唱特点、语言特色及衬词的运用。The fourth part focuses on the singing features, language features and the use of the word in Xinhua love songs.

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赣南客家山歌中所呈现出的星星点点的女性自觉意识最初应渊源于魏晋南北朝时期的文化精神。The feminine consciousness in Hakka folk songs in Gannan area originate from the culture in Wei and Jing Dynasty.

百色平话山歌是百色平话人民间文艺的一种重要形式。Baise Pinhua mountain songs are an important form of folk arts for the Baise people who speak the Pinghua dialect.

唱山歌,爱山歌,形成了壮民族独特而又多姿多彩的原生态文化景象。Singing and valuing the folk songs have become the special and colorful original primitive culture of Zhuang people.

山歌号子,是流行在陇南一带的一种以号子曲调套用民歌歌词演唱的民歌。Folk songs chant, is a kind of popular in Longnan area in order to chant melody to apply folk singing folk songs lyrics.

“过去我常常认为我们自己的文化是粗俗落后的”,郭说。“但是现在我把家乡的山歌唱到了国家大剧院。这让我充满信心,将我们的民族音乐传播给更多的人。”"I used to think my own culture was crude and backward," Guo says. "But now I've sung our mountain songs in our national

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从客家山歌中,梳理客家妇女长期以来被男权文化意识扭曲异化的精神个性。Hakka womens twisted spiritual characters in masculinist culture ideology are summarized on analysis of Hakka folk songs.

龙歌是在春节舞龙活动中,用特有的龙歌调演唱的一种仪式山歌。Song of dragon is a folk song sung to a special dragon song tune in the dragon dance activity during the Spring Festival.

第四部分即第五章,简略的概述了新化陶情山歌的传承与发展。The fourth part is the fourth chapter, which gives a brief overview of the heritage and development of Xinhua love songs.