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他就是我儿时的蝌蚪。He is my tadpole.

^-^这些是你婴儿时穿白勺衣服。These are your baby pants.

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这使得许多人的儿时梦想成真!It`s a childhood dream come true.

站在那儿时我不并累。As far as standin' there, I'm not tired.

不能让马儿时辰不停地跑。Don't have the horse running all the time.

当我是个小孩儿时,我爱夏末时节。I loved the end of summer when I was a kid.

忆儿时与兄弟姐妹嘻游。When I played with sister and with brother.

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所以,在这儿时,有一个非常大的斜率。So, here, I have, actually, a pretty big slope.

她儿时的记忆从她脑海中逐渐消失。All memory of the childhood faded from her mind.

儿时记忆对你的记忆有奇效。Childhood memories work wonders for your memory.

当然,他儿时的记忆中没有他们存在。He had no childhood memories of them, of course.

他拥有他儿时的所有记忆。He's got all sorts of memories of his childhood.

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他怀念儿时平静幸福的日子。He yearned for the halcyon days of his childhood.

找找儿时来姥姥家的感觉。Look for a child to her grandmother feel at home.

动漫从儿时就陪伴著许多人成长。Nime gets along with people from their childhood.

她是约翰儿时的心上人。The man had once been Aunt Cordelia's sweetheart.

玩具熊很像儿时的你——大熊。The toy bear looks like you in the childhood-bear.

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每当他想去那儿时,结果总是去不成。As often as he tried to go there, he always failed.

我希望她在这儿时我常来几次。I wish I had come over sometimes when she was here.

潮湿的小径弯弯曲曲,同我儿时的记忆一样。The damp path zigzagged like those of my childhood.