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林州人真有一股大无畏的气概。The people of Linzhou displayed a fearless spirit.

但是我忽然这样大无畏的似乎只有我一个。But I am abrupt so undaunted be like to have me only.

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她们的大无畏精神激励别人战胜自身的恐惧。Their fearlessness inspires others to overcome their own fears.

他们凭着神奇的力量和大无畏的英雄气概经受了考验。They withstood the tests with wonderful power and sublime heroism.

社会实践也使我越来越严格和大无畏的。The social practice also made me more and more scrupulous and dauntless.

面对死亡,他仰天大笑,这是何等的大无畏精神。Facing the death, he has a good laugh, this is the what kind dauntless spirit.

但是对于那些大无畏者,这里是我们的绕过互联网审查的指南。But for those undaunted, here's our guide to circumventing internet censorship.

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作者将小说中的主人公描绘成一个大无畏的英雄。The author characterized the leading character in the novel as a dauntless hero.

但他还是走了,一副大无畏的样子,留给我们一个大大的微笑,算是感谢所有帮助过他的人。Undaunted and sporting a huge smile, he left anyway, thanking all of us for helping him.

骑兵的职责就是胆大无畏敢于冲锋陷阵,这同时也是他们应该引以为自豪的东西。Cavalry's duty is intrepid dare to take the lead, this is also what they should be proud of.

首先,王符为了国家的统一、为了国家的治理和发展,以大无畏的精神去为国担忧。Firstly, Wang Fu devoting himself for the unifying, governing, and developing of his nation.

诸君之祖先曾以大无畏之精神,冒不可思议之困难,筚路褴褛以开发一新大陆。Their brawn and thews braved undauntedly almost unbelievable hardships to open up a new continent.

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我猜她拿鸭舌头当某种测试吧,所以我一副大无畏的表情,甚至有点兴奋。I figured the duck tongues were a sort of test, so I made it a point to look unfazed. Excited even.

因此,学习体会无意义这一事实,并且大无畏地予以接受,是极重要的事。It is essential, therefore, that you learn to recognize the meaningless, and accept it without fear.

第三是哈利·波特先生,他大无畏的胆量和过人的勇气,为此,我还要奖励格兰芬多学院六十分。And third, to Mr. Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor House 60 points.

在年轻力壮的时候去接受死亡,这使大无畏的精神变为疯狂。The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.

我甚至要说,它是一份大无畏的议程,尤其是在本区域众多国家正面临严峻财政紧缩的时期。I might even say daring, especially at a time when many countries in this region face severe financial constraints.

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我要赞美我的埃及兄弟姐妹们,赞美他们大无畏的勇气,我要跟他们说不要放弃。I would like to commend my Egyptian brothers and sisters for their breathtaking courage and ask them to never give up.

在那些胆大无畏安安静静走来观看这场骇人事件的汉子中,好些人都把头转了过去。Many of those intrepid men, who had so tranquilly entered upon the most terrible of adventures, turned aside their heads.

那种在历史上空前未有的大无畏精神竟会这样惊扰,恐怖,崩溃,这能说是没来由的吗?This vertigo, this terror, this downfall into ruin of the loftiest bravery which ever astounded history,--is that causeless?