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那边,沙发椅旁边。?。Over there, by the couch.

你会在他的沙发椅上做吗?。Think you'll do it on his couch.

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你要把沙发椅放在哪里?。Where are you going to put the couch?

她一语不发,从长沙发椅上站了起来。Wordlessly, she rises from the couch.

“夫人”很安稳地靠坐在长沙发椅上。The Signora rested safely on her couch.

长沙发椅在离她三尺远的地方。Within three feet of her was the divan.

那男孩子将身子缩成一团睡在沙发椅上。The child huddled himself up on the sofa.

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他累得蓦地坐到离他最近的小沙发椅中。Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair.

他在沙发椅上坐了下来,海娜坐到了他的身旁。He sat down on his couch, and Hana joined him.

这张沙发椅使用后磨损,需要更换。The sofa has wear and tear and needs to be replaced.

喜欢,那沙发椅很不错。你要把它放在哪里?。Yeah. It's nice. Where are you going to put the couch?

我真的很喜欢这座沙发椅,但是价格实在太高了。I really like this sofa, but the price is way too high.

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亨利勋爵伸手摊脚地躺在沙发椅上,笑着。Lord Henry stretched himself out on the divan and laughed.

小拉尔夫扑通一声坐在沙发椅上,满意地叹了口气。Ralph, Jr. plops down on couch and sighs with satisfaction.

有!法式落地窗和沙发椅让人感觉很舒适。Yes. The French windows and the sofas create a comfortable ambience.

太多的人,太过于迷恋过去为跳板而非沙发椅。Too many people live too much in the past . The past must be a spring-board, not a sofa.

她坐在长沙发椅的末梢,两脚并拢,双手交叠膝上。She is sitting at the foot of the divan, her feet together, her hands together in her lap.

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他们的笑脸看上去舒适生动,满脸都是笑纹,舒服得就像你最喜爱的一张长沙发椅。Their smiling faces looked comfortably lived in, creased in all the right places, much like a favorite couch.

我们坐下旁边沙发椅后,她接着提到,最近她跟她丈夫去了一次非洲。As we sat down on the sofa, she remarked that she and her husband had recently returned from a trip to Africa.

沙发椅呈半圆形摆放,毛从正中的椅子里起身,身边的随从随时准备搀扶。Mao rose from an armchair in the middle of a semicircle of armchairs with an attendant close by to steady him if necessary.