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及时向餐饮部呈送每日成本报表。Submit daily food cost report to F&B in time.

这份请愿书一月份展览结束后将会被呈送给总统奥巴马。It will be sent to President Obama when the show closes in January.

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当这个报告呈送到下议院时,出现一片争吵的场面。There was an angry scene when the report was presented to the Parliament.

保持餐饮的概念及使命,关于备菜和呈送。Maintain F&B concepts and Mission standards concerning preparation & presentation.

本合同自甲、乙双方签订后生效。并呈送有关鉴证单位鉴证。This contract is effective by signatures of both parties and shall be submitted to the surveyor.

诺华公司希望在18个月内能把这种药片呈送欧洲监管机构进行评估。Novartis hopes to have the pills in front of European regulators for assessment within 18 months.

当地医务人员呈送记录每个儿童的营养不良、疟疾和痢疾情况的短信服务报告。Local health workers send in SMS reports for each child’s malnutrition, malaria and diarrhea status.

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如果你的优势是从事分析工作,那麽你一定要做一些研究,写一个报告,然后呈送上樓。If your strength is analysis, make sure you do some sort of research, make a report and send it upstairs.

时间正在飞跑当所有你们要求的和呈送到你们的经验里的将出现在你们面前。The time is fast upon you when all that you have desired and longed to experience shall be presented to you.

由学者与媒介“共舞”缔造的电视学术论坛向观众呈送了一道思想的盛宴与精神的饕餮大餐。The TV academic forum which is founded by both scholar and media gives our audiences an ideological and spiritual feast.

马丁在当庭时只发言确认了自己的姓名和住址,并表明自己会呈送申诉状。Martin in court, speaking only to confirm his name and address, and indicate that they would like sent to the complainant.

每季度负责统计“行政事业收费情况报表‘并呈送东城区物价局。Make statistics concerning the Executive Office Charge Report and deliver to the East District Price Bureau every three months.

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在那儿,文崔斯以酷刑折磨她的囚犯,希望击溃欧比—万的精神,将这名绝地败将作为战利品呈送杜库伯爵。There, she tortured the prisoners in hopes of breaking Obi-Wan's spirit and presenting the defeated Jedi as a trophy to Count Dooku.

该研究议程将提交给世界卫生组织秘书处批准,并呈送2009年5月召开的世界卫生大会。The research agenda will be presented to the secretarial board of the WHO for approval, and presented at the WHO World Health Assembly in May 2009.

巴尼斯-索利兹称,那年12月精炼厂经理要求工厂的年度苯排放报告与呈送给州监管者的报告相符合。That December, a refinery manager asked Barnes-Soliz to tally the plant’s annual benzene emissions for a report to state regulators, Barnes-Soliz says.

这次演出的部分收入捐给了慈善机构。显宰向慈善机构的代表呈送了支票,现场掌声如雷。Part of the proceeds of the show was donated to charity, and JHJ presented a cheque to a representative of the charitable organization, to thunderous applause.

凯莱赫先生从中选出10件来信,放进一个卷宗袋,随每日简报册呈送白宫官邸里的奥巴马总统。He chooses 10 letters, which are slipped into a purple folder and put in the daily briefing book that is delivered to President Obama at the White House residence.

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他们还证实说,美国总统比尔·克林顿和副总统阿尔·戈尔已对那些照片产生了强烈的兴趣,并要求每日呈送简报。They also confirmed that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have taken a keen personal interest in the photographs and have requested daily briefings.

“我们挑选的是引人注目的信件,这些来信像人们常说的那样,读了就会不寒而栗,”47岁的凯莱赫先生说,“我呈送给他的信里都是些看了令人不安的信息。”We pick messages that are compelling, things people say that, when you read it, you get a chill, ” said Mr. Kelleher, 47. “I send him letters that are uncomfortable messages.”

在2009年底雅培研究的初步结果最初呈送给美国和欧洲健康机构,导致西布曲明撤出欧洲市场。Preliminary results from Abbott's study were initially disclosed to both U. S. and European health officials in late 2009 and led to Meridia's removal from the European market.