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这儿的春天,风沙是常见的。Duststorms are common here in spring.

防护林带挡住了风沙。The shelterbelt kept the sand in check.

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这里冬天风沙很大。It's very windy and dusty here in winter.

沙尘暴是一种风沙灾害天气。Dust-storm is a wind sand disaster weather.

有一年春天这里风沙很大。One spring it was very windy and dusty here.

副高和干旱高温,风沙气候也有很好关系。Subtropical high has effect with other climate.

风沙的气候使她的皮肤粗糙了。The windy and dusty weather coarsened her skin.

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这个地区过去风沙猖獗。The area used to be struck by raging sandstorms.

哈桑老人和儿子纳苏,带领商队与风沙搏斗。Hassan and Nassau lead the caravan and sand fight.

冬季干冷,时有风沙天气。Dry and cold in winter, when weather and sandstorms.

风沙危害和水土流失严重。The hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious.

但是农田周围的防风林可以阻挡风沙。But lines of trees around cropland can catch blowing sand.

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在约翰.斯坦贝克的时代,这里是美国风沙侵蚀区的一部分。In Steinbeck's day, this was part of the American dust bowl.

修筑了土墙和排水沟来防止风沙和水涝。Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water.

风沙贯满早已湿透的双眼,为何还能看见你的容颜?Sand consistent full already drenched eyes, why can see your face?

我们那里春天风沙跑,夏天热难熬,秋天赛金宝,冬天北风嚎。We've got a sandy spring, hot summer, golden fall and cold winter.

当将脸转向风吹来的方向,风沙肆虐,我很快就招架不住了。When I face into the wind, I'm quickly sandblasted into submission.

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他住在塔图因沙漠中一座虽受风沙侵蚀但依旧豪华的宫殿里。He lived in an opulent if sand-scarred palace out in the Tatooine deserts.

正好,塞外的风沙能磨砺出他的坚强。All the better. It will be honed by the sandstorms of the northern deserts.

新疆艾比湖流域是我国风沙活动多发的典型区城。The Ebinur Lake region is the typical area of blown-wind activity in China.