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欲望让人间生机勃勃。Desire animates the world.

这片地区生机勃勃。It's a pretty active area.

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我觉得生机勃勃,热血沸腾。I felt alive. I felt full of blood.

我感觉我既生机勃勃又飘飘欲仙。I am feeling both alive and spaced out.

文登是一座生机勃勃的沿海开放城市。Wendeng is a dynamic coastal open city.

这个国家的领导力可谓生机勃勃。Leadership is alive and well in this country.

绿洲生机勃勃,然而万籁俱寂。The oasis was alive, yet everything was still.

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人类生机勃勃的家园,转瞬之间惨不忍睹。Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling.

花朵和吊篮生机勃勃的长着。The flowers and hanging baskets were breathtaking.

至少在我的生活里,多元是生机勃勃且无所不在的。Diversity is alive and rampant—at least in my life.

我家乡的春天,每年总是生机勃勃、绿意盎然。My home in the spring, every year it is vibrant, green and lush.

早期的讨论是生机勃勃的、令人入神、使人兴奋的。The early discussions were invigorating, fascinating, thrilling.

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但是欧洲人更注重生命品质,一定要生机勃勃、健健康康。For the Europeans, it's more live a good life, vital and healthy.

整个短暂的夏天里,山谷里鸟语花香,生机勃勃。Through the short summer season, the valley is abuzz with activity.

一个生机勃勃的少年离开家人,到纽约去闯世界。A bright boy left his family, going to new York to seek his fortune.

不管怎样,印度现在终于有一点高于它的生机勃勃的对手了。Now, however, India may finally have one up on its high-octane rival.

帕罗特把这条生机勃勃的小道比做是引人遐想的情侣路。Perrot likened the vibrant path to a dreamy, metaphorical lover's lane.

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走在校园的小路上,五月的校园绿草如茵,生机勃勃。Take the small road on campus, campus in May of green grass and vibrant.

特别感谢那些捐助者,是他们让这个网站页面生机勃勃。A special thanks to the contributors on the web pages that keep it lively.

此栋别墅是独栋的,室内采光非常好,周围生机勃勃!The villas are single-family, interior lighting is very good, around vibrant!