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他气呼呼地去追她。He huffed and puffed after her.

我把自行车一丢,气呼呼的走了。I bike throwing, huff went away.

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那男孩气呼呼地看着陌生人。The boy glowered at the stranger.

生气的时候,我不用一直气呼呼的。When I feel angry, I don't have to stay angry.

他气呼呼地测试着火花塞,眼睛盯着转换器。Furiously he tested the spark-plugs, stared at the commutator.

这孩子在他父亲回家之前一直气呼呼地呆在桌子底下。The child remained under the table in a temper until his father came home.

狮子加速地跑向大象,却看到大象正气呼呼地直跺脚。The lion speeds up to run and see the elephant is tramping his feet out of breath.

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河马立刻找到了“雪糕”,气呼呼的指责他偷了画。Hippo immediately went to "Xuegao" and angrily accused him of stealing the painting.

迪米特里立刻去了阿列科家,气呼呼地指责他偷了羔羊。Dimitri immediately went to Aleko's house and angrily accused him of stealing the lamb.

因为小天狼星没有气呼呼的和他说话,没有逼他讲实话。Well, Sirius isn't speaking angrily to him, or badgering him about anything. But it is more than that.

他气呼呼的,在桌子与长沙发之间踱来踱去,他的敞开著的大衣不时地碰著桌子和沙发的角。He fumed, pacing up and down between the table and the sofa, his open overcoat catching against the angles.

两小时后,我气呼呼地同威斯特海温站站长说起此事。他说根本没有这趟车。Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station-master at Westhaven. When he denied the train's existence.

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刘能气呼呼的回到家,生气的说全村人都组团来气他,夸张的说活着太不容易。Liu can returned home, very angry of say everyone group to annoy him, exaggerated said it is not easy to live too.

罗兰子爵夫人也冷嘲热讽了子爵一顿之后,拉着阿尔梅气呼呼地走了。Luo orchid viscount the madam after also satirizing and sneering at viscount pull Er plum the spirit shout that the ground walked.

安阳也不理她们,只气呼呼地上了轿子,叫轿夫回公主府。Anne's sun also ignores them, the spirit hurrahs that the ground ascended Jiao son and makes the bearer return to princess' mansion.

生凭第一次挨了老子巴掌的胡彬气呼呼的起身出了茶馆,上了自己的车子回家去了。Living hurrah with the first time beard Bin morale that got Lao Tze's palm of start teahouse, have already climbed own car to go home.

无论动作或服装场景,几乎都一模一样,让原创气呼呼,也引起外界争议。The dance moves, costumes and scenes were almost the same as the original piece, which made the choreographer really mad and also caused controversy.

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迪米特里立刻去了阿列科家,气呼呼地指责他偷了羔羊,告诉他最好把羊交还,否则就去叫警察。Dimitri immediately went to Aleko's house and angrily accused him of stealing the lamb. He told him he would better return it or he would call the police.

听说隔壁的美人今天一大早,整理了一大堆衣物气呼呼地回家了,原因是那男的欺骗了她,说自己有钱,其实是个穷光蛋。I heard the next beauty early this morning, finishing a lot of clothes angrily back home, because he cheated on her, saying they have, is actually a pauper.

那小护士气呼呼地骂了句神经病,却完全不知道,自己一句‘在那儿边’惹来了多么严重的后果。That little nurse annoys to shout that the ground scolded sentence mental derangement, but over know nothing a way, oneself is a 'where side'ask for to come to how serious result.