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但记住要一步一步来,不要心急。But do one step at a time.

克莱尔显得有些尴尬“不好意思,是我心急了。Clare is abashed. “I’m sorry!

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我真后悔心急吃不了热豆腐。I really regret Eat Hot Tofu Slowly.

他等得心急了。He was impatient of all this waiting.

对孩子们不能心急。Don't be impatient with your children.

你难道不知道心急吃不了热豆腐?。Don't you know a watched pot never boils?

口渴的人心急地喝了。Those thirsty people eagerly drank up the soup.

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很多人过于心急以至于锻炼过度。Most people are overeager and sometimes overdo it.

单身的话也可能是都在心急于新的爱情。And probably get all het up about new romance too if single.

爱丽一直都很心急,想在那晚早一点将烛台打包。Ellie had been so tempted to pack the menorah earlier that night.

我们还没有达到那种程度的攀爬水平,为什么要心急呢?We haven’t even scratched the surface of hard climbing. Why rush?

于是,就能做到“心急”手不急,照样吃“热豆腐”。Then, just can do it "a watched pot" hand so no hurry, eat "hot tofu".

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无论在欢乐或痛苦的境况中,我们的心急不及待地把自己放在人生舞台的中央。Our minds are quick to assign center stage to our actions-in joy or in pain.

但有些问题会使你显得准备不足、过于心急或令人生厌。But some questions CAN make you seem ill-prepared, overeager ord ISAgreeable.

但有些标题会使你显得预备不敷、过于心急或令人生厌。But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagreeable.

还有普希金“假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!Yet Pushkin said, “ If life has deceived you, don't be sad and don't be impatient!

不要心急,有时候演员需要好几天的时间才能够理解剧本里的潜台词。Don't rush this process, sometimes it can take days to find the subtext of a script.

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急性心急梗死患者随着年龄的增长以痰浊、阳虚证候更为显著。With the growth of the age, the syndrome of phlegm-dampness and deficiency of YANG is obvious.

打从年初这日子就过的很烦,嘛事儿都不顺利,看什么都觉心急。From the early days of this on-off Henfan, things do not do well, to see what all feel anxious.

如果你不那么心急购买的话,你可以追踪价格然后看准时机大买一笔。If you can wait for a while you can track the prices and grab a great deal when it comes along.