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我们创作诗歌We write poems.

应该是诗歌吧?Should it be the poem?

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接着我们读了几首诗歌。Then we read some poems.

诗歌与音乐相近。Poetry belongs with music.

他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。He styled his poem doggerel.

这是一首哲理性诗歌。This is a philosophic poetry.

毕竟我们都咏读过不少诗歌。After all, we both read poetry.

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他抑扬顿挫地朗诵诗歌。He read the poems with cadence.

亲爱的庞德,诗歌如下。My Dear Pound, here is the poem.

叠句常用于诗歌中。Refrain is often used in a poem.

送来的诗歌是打字稿。The poems arrived in typescript.

但他也唱宗教诗歌But he also sang religious music.

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高保你有否听过我那新作的诗歌?D'y'hear my latest poem Goldbook?

那更像是诗歌而不像散文。It was more of poetry than prose.

我要展开诗歌的无形羽翼But on the viewless wings of Poesy

他们出版了莱奥帕尔迪诗歌的译文。The poem reads like a translation.

文学作品“,甚至不会说“诗歌“We never even hear about "poetry."

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俳句是日本的一种诗歌。Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry.

他会在诗歌里让她不朽。He would immortalize her in a poem.

叠句让诗歌更优美。Refrain makes the poetry beautiful.