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水平横杆,水平线,水平条。A horizontal bar, line, or stripe.

而耶路撒冷处于水平线上796公尺。Jerusalem is 796 meters above sea level.

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垂直线与水平线在此相交。The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.

标了数字和文字的水平线叫做消息。The horizontal arrows with numbered text are called messages.

历史学家在日期上画了一条水平线来记住这天。The historian drew a horizontal line on the date to remember it.

可产生二条垂直线和一条水平线,带下对点。Emit TWO vertical line and one horizontal line, plumb below point.

你会不会采用诸如页眉、水平线、首字下沉之类的视觉引导?Will you use eyebrows, decks, initial caps, and other visual cues?

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然而站在这个水平线上,金江波已经证实了他的使命是正确的。Jin Jiangbo has remained true to his mission of being on the front line.

哪一支球队更受欢迎,或者说两支队伍处于同一个水平线上?Which team is favourite, or are both coming in on a level playing field?

初升的朝阳从海天相接的水平线上跃上了天空。The rising sun jumped into the sky from the horizon, where the sea joins the sky.

生使一切的人站在一条水平线上,死使卓越的人露出头角来。Born to make all the people stood in a level, die reveal hilf to the superior man.

各顶部和底部半圆都将划分为一组水平线段。Each top- and bottom-circle half is divided into a collection of horizontal lines.

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臀部轻微地倾斜,尾巴位置低于在背部的水平线。The croup is gently sloping with the tail set on just below the level of the back.

利用衣服和挂饰形成垂直的线条,避免水平线条。Create vertical lines with your clothing and accessories, and avoid horizontal lines.

想像一条水平线把你的身体分成了两半--你的手不应该越过它。Imagine a vertical line splitting your body in half -- your handsshould not cross it.

但是尾巴的高度不应该经常超过背的水平线或者垂挂时松弱无力。But the tail should not be constantly carried above the level of the back or hang limp.

围棋游戏是在一块由19条水平线和19条垂直线围成格子的木板上进行的。The game is played on a board divided into a grid of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines.

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在故事图上从左到右画一道水平线,发布计划就出来了。A release plan can be visually represented by drawing a horizontal line from left to right.

图.12显示数值模拟在水平线0.5米以下的基础的垂直应力。Fig. 12 shows the simulated vertical stress along a horizontal line 0.5m below the footing.

我也改变了Comco标题的文字颜色为蓝色,并提出了水平线橙色。I also changed the Comco header's text colour to blue, and made the horizontal lines orange.