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还得写一个短篇的音乐论文We have to write a short music paper.

我甚至就这个重难点型写过短篇特别研讨毕业文书。I've even writing a short disquisition on the issue.

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我甚至就这个题目写过短篇专题论文。I've even written a short disquisition on the issue.

我甚至就这个问题写过短篇专题论文。I’ve even written a short disquisition on the issue.

我会记住埃德加·艾伦·坡的短篇故事集。I would memorize a book of short stories by Edgar Allen Poe.

那本书里包含了很多经典的短篇悬念故事。The book contains a lot of classic suspensive short stories.

你也许会写一篇散文,一首诗,甚至是一个短篇故事。You might like to write an essay, a poem, or a short story even.

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那些专门为短信族编写的短篇笑话集也十分畅销。Collections of short jokes especially written for texters are best-sellers.

在几个月之内,她做出了自助出版这部短篇故事集的决定。Within a few months she decided to self-publish the short-story collection.

这本书有短篇文章供学生阅读并回答有关问题。This book has short passages for students to read and answer questions about.

顺便说一句,不断就某个小话题写短篇是混迹于论坛的不二法门。By the way, writing short pieces on a small topic is commercially feasible too.

杰克伦敦的书籍和短篇故事告诉我们,许多人与自然界的斗争。Many of Jack London's books and short stories tell about man's struggle with nature.

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撰写一篇有关电视电影和短篇电视连续剧如何处理历史事件的论文。Write an essay about the treatment of historical events in TV movies and mini-series.

这部根据C·克拉克的短篇故事改变的电影最终荣膺了奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。The film, based on a short story by Arthur C. Clarke, won an Oscar for visual effects.

如果还想了解更多乐山美食,请你们看段视频短篇。If you want to know more about Leshan food, please watch the video frequency I show you.

当然,你可以从阅读戏剧开始,再读小说,再读短篇故事,然后读诗,最后读非小说类文学作品。Sure, you can go from reading plays to novels to short stories to poetry to non-fiction.

我很高兴,这篇短篇似乎成功了,因为我真的认为那些珍视书籍的人很特别。I'm glad it seems to have worked, because I do think those who treasure books are special.

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克雷恩的小说和短篇故事受到了法国自然主义作家的影响。Crane's novels and short stories, which were influenced by the French Naturalistic writers.

他作为短篇故事的作者,在独创性和感染力方面,是很少能有。As a writer of short stories he has rarely been equalled for originality and forceful effect.

从衞斯敏特的短篇教义问答得知,人最主要的目的是荣耀神并永远享受他。Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever, by Westminster Shorter Catechism.