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活跃的帅小伙,晚餐,甜点。Dinner and desserts.

我让小伙坐到了一张长凳上。I got the kid to a bench.

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这小伙有个好爸爸。The boy has a good father.

这小伙有个多么好爸爸啊!What a good father the boy has!

她迷上了一个帅小伙。She's hung up on a handsome boy.

他变成了一个帅小伙。He grows to a handsome young man.

乡间牧人小伙,跳舞又唱歌The shepherd swains shall dance and sing

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一个叫多利亚斯的小伙,欠王宫什么物品What a guy name Dounias owes the palace?

这个年轻帅小伙又是谁呢?And who might this handsome young lad be?

我想抢银行,小伙敢干不。I am not young enough to know everything.

大部分士兵都是吃苦耐劳的年轻小伙。Most of the soldiers were hardy young men.

且看小伙有绝招,梧桐来了金凤凰。See small trick, the Indus to golden phoenix.

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如果你穿些新潮的衣服打扮一下,你会是个帅小伙。You will be a boy if you some fashionable clothes.

在十分钟里,酒保就卖给了小伙三杯加水威士忌。He sold him three Scotch and waters in ten minutes.

改拍场记的人叫“场记小伙”。The person who kept this is called clap-stick boys.

我们接手过一个小伙,随葬品是他的掌上游戏机。We even had one guy who was buried with his Game Boy.

大好年纪的小伙束缚到一个四十五岁的女人身边。A young fellow that age tied to a woman of forty-five.

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我陪小伙走到马路边,等待一辆出租公司的出租车停下。I walked him to the avenue and waited for a fleet cab.

十年过去了,汤姆变成了一位帅小伙。Ten years went by and Tom became a handsome young man.

他以前是个浓眉大眼的帅小伙!He was a handsome boy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.