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英联邦同意和这个国家订约。The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country.

该建筑师订约以一定的造价承造那些房子。The architect contracted to build the houses at a fixed price.

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我们欢迎有机会和贵方讨论订约事宜。We shall welcome on opportunity of discussing a contract with you.

结果,订约方风险上升,市场运行不再平稳。As a result, counterparty risk is up, and the market is not functioning smoothly.

有的税款必须以货币形式交纳,收款由严密监控的私人订约者承办。Money taxes were collected for the government by strictly-controlled private contractors.

在联邦政府及其订约人或被授予人之间会产生各种各样的纠纷。A variety of disputes can arise between the federal government and its contractors or grantees.

兹证明,本协议由双方在上述订约日期签订。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement as of the day and year first above written.

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保证所有的公差都维持在规定的限值内是订约人的责任。It is the contractors responsibility to ensure that all tolerances are maintained within the prescribed bands.

在非专属司法管辖权的情况下,订约双方已协议了受一个指定的司法管辖区所管辖。In the context of a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause, the parties have agreed to submit to a named jurisdiction.

这家银行订约短期贷款的银行同业市场,使长期贷款的房地产市场。This bank was contracting short-term loans on the interbank market and making long-term loans on the real estate market.

当他们被要求以及基于需要订约而产生其它功能时,员工在不同的工作类别中发挥多元化的才能。Employees are cross-utilised between job categories when required and other functions are contracted out on a need basis.

的确,提到浮士德跟魔鬼梅菲斯特的订约,使诗中佛洛斯特使用动词「佔有」有了清楚的意涵。Certainly the allusion to Faustus' compact with Mephistopheles casts a lurid light over Frost's use of the verb "possess."

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每一个参与者与中央订约方之间的双边轧差形成了多边轧差余额。The multilateral net position represents the bilateral net position between each participant and the central counterparty.

当亚伯拉罕和撒拉等待时,神与亚伯兰订约,为他改名为“亚伯拉罕”,就是“多人的父”的意思。While Abraham and Sarah waited, God made a covenant with Abram, changing his name to Abraham, which means “father of many.

国防承包商们密切跟踪国防部长远规划,以更好地定位自己,争取未来的订约机会。Contractors are closely tracking long-range DOD planning to better position themselves for future contracting opportunities.

在任何情况下,定价和时限调整应当由订约者任意方或由第三方回溯决定。In any event, the price and time adjustment is determined retrospectively, either by the contractor and owner, or by others.

之所以这样解释,是因为商业性解释更接近订约人的本意。The reason for this approach is that a commercial construction is more likely to give effect to the intention of the parties.

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相对谈判订约方式,联邦法案更偏爱密封投标,密封投标比竞争性建议更具优势如果。Federal regulations give preference to sealed bidding over contracting by negotiation, that is sealed bids over competitive proposals, if.

其有承租、承垦者,以开始办理分配日之前一日,已依法订约承租耕地之承租人或依法核准承垦土地之承垦人为准。The tenant and reclaimer are the persons who have the contract or the approval at the time of one day before the redistributing work begins.

漆德克雅王与当时在耶路撒冷的全体人民订约,要对奴婢宣布自由以后,有上主的话传给耶肋米亚。The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord, after that king Sedecias had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem making a proclamation.