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据悉,陈立岩已被责令停职。Chen has been suspended from his position.

涉案歌舞厅已被责令停业。The pub has been ordered to suspend business.

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法官责令他别再威胁他妻子。The judge told him to desist from threatening his wife.

刘强被责令罚款150元,相当于该路程出租车费的5倍。Liu was fined 150 yuan, five times the taxi fare for the trip.

第二,我们可以责令少或小碗在餐厅。Second, we may order less or smaller dishes in the restaurant.

他因在学校操场上跟人打架而被责令3-天暂时停学作为处罚。He was given a 3-day suspension for fighting in the school yard.

两个青少年都被判有罪,并被责令赔偿损失。Both teenagers pled guilty and were ordered to pay for the damage.

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你有过在南非被递解或责令出境吗?。Have you ever been deported from or ordered to leave South Africa?

申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bind-over order.

事故发生后,港陆公司被责令停产整顿。The steel factory was ordered to halt production after the accident.

他被有条件地释放了,被责令支付赔偿款。He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay compensation.

直到秋天,新闻机构才被责令停止对这件事的争论。Then in the fall, news organizations were ordered to stop writing about it.

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联合国安理会有关停止伊朗铀浓缩的责令,也没什么效果。The UN Security Council has told Iran to stop enriching uranium, without much effect.

我被责令保持安静,而妈妈和哥哥们开始彼此交头接耳。I was told to be very quiet and the boys and my mother started whispering to each other.

据报道,现在当局已经责令铅中毒事件中所有靠近民宅的电池工厂关停。Authorities have now closed both battery plants blamed for the poisoning, the report said.

警方责令摄影者删除照片,并进行批评教育将其遣散。They ordered photographers to delete all the photos and then released them after criticism.

这项通知同时责令各大学对其教师和学生进行良好学术行为教育。The notice also ordered universities to train teachers and students in good academic conduct.

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这一牛奶店被责令中止牛奶供应,他们的生牛奶许可证最近已经声明作废。The dairy was ordered to cease raw milk distribution and their raw-milk permit was later revoked.

责令被申请人停止有关行为是否损害社会公共利益。Whether ordering the respondent to suspend the relevant act would prejudice the public interests.

但最高法院没有宣布判决,而是责令上诉庭复议此案。The Supreme Court did not hand down a sentence, but ordered the Appeals Court to re-examine the case.