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他是个有低级趣味的人。He is a man of vulgar taste.

他总是迎合低级趣味。He always panders to low tastes.

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这些低级趣味正从其所好。The low tastes just cater his needs.

有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。Some tabloid newspaper cater to low tastes.

我从不欣赏他那低级趣味的幽默。I' ve never appreciated his crude sense of humour.

但是,这并不证明其低级趣味和高昂的代价。But that doesn't justify its poor taste and high price.

有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。Television panders too much to the lowest tastes of man.

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评论家们抨击这部影片迎合低级趣味。Reviewers lammed into the film for catering to low tastes.

我们当然正在考虑这项技术被运用于低级趣味的一面。We, of course, are considering the geekier side of this tech.

他们喜欢他专心工作,没有低级趣味。They appreciated his devotion to work and freedom from vulgarity.

你可能认为那很有趣,不过依我看那是低级趣味。You may think it was amusing, but in my view it was in very poor taste.

越来越多报纸在努力迎合人们的低级趣味了。More and more newspapers are trying to pander to people's vulgar tastes.

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你可不应该为迎合某些人的低级趣味而写这些乌七八糟的东西。You shouldn't write such obscene things to humour their dirty interests.

年复一年地保持贤明,犹如身处永久的葬礼,是低级趣味。It's bad taste to be wise all the time, like being at a perpetual funeral.

它们的共同特点是缺乏“真实性”、是迎合低级趣味。What characterises this behaviour is that it lacks genuineness. It plays to the gallery.

台湾较无鑑赏力的、迎合低级趣味的报纸以耸人听闻的方式处理最私人的事。What should have been at most a private matter was sensationalized by Taiwans less-than-tasteful gutter press.

如果有人以貌取人,请不要太在意,因为你不用去为一个低级趣味的人而难过。If someone see you by eyes, please do not take too much notice because you do not have to sad for a vulgar person.

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让我们做一个果断的人一个脱离低级趣味的人一个为他人着想的品德高尚的人。Let's be a person of dedication be a person of getting rid of bad taste be a person for people and be a noble man.

每一个GG,要努力做一个高尚的GG,一个纯粹的GG,一个有道德的GG,一个脱离了低级趣味的GG,一个有益于MM的GG。Every GG should try to be a noble GG, a pure GG, a moral GG, a GG out of babbittry , and a GG who is beneficial to MM.

象我们的社会,其文学和娱乐竟如此严重地依赖低级趣味的性文化,难道这个社会的价值观不值得被质问吗?。Are the values of a society whose literature and entertainment rest as heavily as ours on sexual pejoratives any less questionable?