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其铷-锶同位素年龄为84百万年。Its Rb-Sr isotopic age is 84 my.

同位素甄别是不可能的。Isotopic discrimination is not likely.

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我们已经讨论了同位素等。We talked about isotopes, and whatnot.

铼的同位素被运用于肝癌的治疗。Rhenium isotopes are used to treat liver cancer.

沥青铀矿的同位素年龄为108—109百万年。The radiometric age of pitchblende is 109—108 m.

贴同位素治疗伤疤有什么副作用?Stick isotropy to treat a scar what to side effect there is?

氧同位素估算的热水矽质岩古温度在49℃以上。Paleotemperature of cherts estimated by 0 isotope is over 49℃.

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随着含盐度的增加,碳氧同位素值也增大。The carbon and oxygen isotopic values are a function of salinity.

元素后面的数字表明特定同位素的身份。The number after the element name identifies the specific isotope.

该系统使用单束法能测定13个同位素峰。This system can determine 13 isotopic peaks by single beam method.

同位素参考物质是同位素地质测量的“砝码”。Isotopic reference materials are "weight" for isotopic measurement.

整体上,煤成气甲烷碳同位素值比较重。Generally, the isotope values of coal-generated methane are heavier.

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相同元素之同位素的电子组态是一样的。Isotopes of the same element have the same electronic configuration.

该方法亦适合于采用14C、15N等同位素对植物进行标记和示踪。The method is also suitable to label plant with 13C and 15N isotope.

放射性沉降物中含有非天然的重元素和同位素。The fallout contained heavy elements and isotopes not found in nature.

第三能实时监控同位素放射源的植入。Third, it can place the radioactive sources with real-time monitoring.

高温裂解气的生成造成甲烷碳同位素变重的假象。Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy.

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结果就是我们所观察到,氙同位素的特殊区隔。The result was the peculiar segregation of xenon isotopes we uncovered.

砂金中的微量铅同位素分析具有特殊的意义。The isotope analysis of minim lead in the gold dust has special meaning.

这项实验涉及了不规则离子运动理论和同位素理论。The experiment involved irregular ion movement theory and isotope theory.