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关山戎马英雄心,魂牵梦萦女儿情。Military hero of heart, beloved daughter.

他也不祈求凯瑟琳的魂牵梦萦。He didn't pray for Catherine's soul to haunt him.

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魂牵梦萦,三千年的轮回,于今世上演。Dreams, cycle of three thousand years, at the world stage.

理想事业的一大诱人之处在于你会为之魂牵梦萦。One of the big appeals of a dream job is dreaming about it.

祖国的历史文化,你是这样多姿多彩,令魂牵梦萦。Historical and cultural homeland, you are so colorful, so that.

斯科特说,“那是我的家,那是我在余生里魂牵梦萦的的球队”。Yeah, I thought about it a lot, " Scott said. "That's home for me.

这场人生,这份感情,让你我长久为之魂牵梦萦。This life, this love that you and I have been dreaming of, for so long.

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往事如烟魂牵梦萦增添我的思念,追寻万年今生情缘不变。The past, add my thoughts, pursuing million years the same love this life.

这就是她让很多人魂牵梦萦、激情满怀的真正原因。This is the real reason that Yun Nan make so many people passionate, dreamful and unforgetable.

除了这一点外,我的新家不仅有一个超大露台,还有一个令我魂牵梦萦的烟囱。Besides quietness and serenity, my new house has a super larger platform and a charming chimney.

我只能说,白天的电视节目令我魂牵梦萦,我完全承认!我看肥皂剧已经上瘾了。I have to say, daytime television os one of my private obsessions. I admit it! I'm hooked on soaps!

乌镇,一个令无数人魂牵梦萦的江南水乡。也是我们此次文化之旅的目的地。Wuzhen, one of the most beautiful east southern Chinese riverside towns is the destination of our journey.

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港大,这片令我魂牵梦萦的土地,我渴望的脚步已走近了,你的大门为我打开了么?Hong Kong University, my dreaming land, I am approaching you with eagerness. Will you open the door for me?

总有那么一个地方,常常在你心里,不经意中在心里燃起对它的魂牵梦萦和淡淡的思绪。There is always a place, often in your heart, casual in in the heart of its rekindled smitten and light thoughts.

最近中南美洲成为焦点话题,这可是阿伟魂牵梦萦的地方,可能会勾起他的回忆或有谈谈的冲动吧!With the South Americas in the recent spotlight, maybe some memories about this beloved land will come up for him?

爱过、痛过才是人生,平凡、简单也是人生,即使没有刻骨铭心的魂牵梦萦,也没有生死相许的感动,但我拥有最真实的守侯。Love, pain too is life, ordinary, simple life is, even in the absence of memorable, nor moved, but I have the most real.

大白鲸莫比·迪克作为一个不可思议、硕大无比的角色主宰了整个小说,也使亚哈为之魂牵梦萦。Moby-Dick, the great white whale, is an inscrutable, cosmic existence that dominates the novel, just as he obsesses Ahab.

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与此同时,扶桑的救命恩人,来自于加州富裕之家的年轻小子克里斯,为其倾倒,扶桑的音容笑貌让他魂牵梦萦。She becomes enamoured by the young son of a wealthy Californian, who saves her from dying, and is forever haunted by her face.

你成了我心中不可见理想的可见化身,这不可见的理想像个瑰丽的梦,令我们这些艺术家魂牵梦萦。You became to me the visible incarnation of that unseen ideal whose memory haunts us artists like an exquisite dream. I worshipped you.

在所有的英格兰球队中,阿森纳是我的目标,因为这是一支让我就魂牵梦萦的球队。当我还是个孩子的时候,我就是阿森纳的球迷了。My goal was to join Arsenal out of all the English clubs because it is a club that makes me dream and I have been a fan since I was a child.