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让我们歇歇喝杯茶吧。Let's pause for a cup of tea.

看的都要吐了,要歇歇再看。I need you more than you need me.

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现在我什么也不需要,只想找个地方歇歇脚。I don't need much now, just a place to rest.

黄昏的时候我们停下来在走廊上歇歇。We took a break at dusk and visited on the porch.

如果你在寻找你生活中的爱在哪里,歇歇吧。If you are looking for the love of your life, stop.

如果走累了,还可以在小亭里歇歇。If you feel tired, you can rest a while in the kiosk.

沿路往前走有一个公园。如果你愿意可在那里歇歇脚。Down the road you'll see a park.Plop down there if you like.

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你们赶早打扫两间屋子叫他们歇歇儿去。Hurry up and clear out a couple of rooms where they can rest.

我辛辛劳苦工作了整整一年。我真得歇歇了。I've been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break.

他坚持让我们在亚特兰大市外不远的一家小餐馆歇歇脚。He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.

她决定停下来,问一问是否能在这里过夜歇歇脚。She decided to stop and ask if she could rest there for the night.

哪怕是白天它们也经常飞回蜂巢歇歇翅膀。Even during the day they often fly to the nest where they rest their wings.

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用了一天的Windows该歇歇了,这是将结束Windows会话的画面。That's quite enough Windows for one day. This will end your Windows session.

如果只是想歇歇脚,那还可以到咖啡店里坐坐。If the pin is available only to, it can also sit in the shade of coffee Lane.

“我累了,”他急忙打断她。“走路太热了,我们在这儿歇歇吧。I'm tired, ' he interrupted hurriedly. 'It is too hot for walking, let us rest here.

那时候,人走累了,干粮也吃完了,想找个寨子歇歇,偏偏这一带没有人家。At that time I was all too weary and ran out of my food, yearning for a house to rest.

不论是在学校工作,还是在家里学习,我都会适时歇歇,哪怕只休息五分钟。Whether I’m at school working or at home studying, I take breaks, even for five minutes.

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接下来,我会列举一些因素,这些都可以用来佐证,他们俩之间的比较真的可以歇歇了。So I'll point out some major factors that can blow this dumb excuse of a comparison to rest.

我的文字,掠过清幽宁静的溪谷,踏着蜿蜒古朴的山道,一路停停歇歇。My words, over the peaceful valley, on the winding ancient hill road, a road to stop to rest.

累了,就停下来歇歇,有时我们停下脚步,只是为了走得更远。If you are exhausted, then stop to rest, Tempoary rest is for the further road behind sometimes.