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不受承印物大小和形状的限制。From their size and shape that limit.

工作台为进出式,便于承印物的取放。More convenient for the storage of substrates.

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采用双台面推拉工作台操作省力,承印速度快。Adopted push-draw style double working tables print quickly.

承印大批量会议资料、培训教材。High-volume printing conference materials, training materials.

在合肥印刷中,一方面,不同的承印材料、不同的印版。In hefei printing, on the one hand, in different printing materials, different medium.

包装印刷承印物的多样性主要表现在以下几方面。Packaging and printing prints the diversity of things mainly in the following respects.

在上述两种承印物上打印的很有可能用的是UV喷墨打印机或热升华油墨。Printing on the mentioned materials either using UV Curable inkjet or Dye Sublimation Ink.

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专业技术、承印各种印刷业务、让您的明天更精彩!Professional technology, print all kinds of printing business, let you more brilliant tomorrow!

印刷机递纸机构是保证承印物套印准确的关键部件。Paper-feeding mechanism of printing press is the key part to ensure the accuracy in registration.

采用推拉式工作台面,操作省力,承印速度快。The work platform plate adopts a push-pull type for less operational efforts and faster printing speed.

详细介绍了移印的承印材料、UV移印工艺的特点、UV固化条件、油墨调整、印刷要素等UV移印油墨的应用知识。It also introduces the application knowledge on substrate, process, UV curing, ink matching for pad printing.

其印品墨色丰满,承印物范围广泛,适用于包装业、广告业、玻璃贴花、陶瓷贴花以及电子线路板等行业。It is widely used in field that packing, advertisement appliqué on the surface of glass of potter and printing card.

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印刷单位不得承印未经批准的仿印邮票图案和与邮票相似的印件。No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles of stamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.

由美国钞票公司、英国华德路公司、财政部印刷局等多家单位承印。The paper currency was printed by American Banknote Corporation, British Waterlow Corporation, and Printing Bureau of Finance Ministry, etc.

夹紧于柯式印刷机圆筒上的一张物料,用来把印纹从印版转印到承印物上。Blanket A rubber-surfaced sheet clamped around the cylinder of an offset litho printing press which transfers the printing image from plate to substrate.

加入彩金颜料,可以在不同的承印物上表现创意,具有丰富的光、色效果表现力,大大增加印品的装饰元素。When the pigment of pearl color is added into coating, it can create various effect of light and color, and increase greatly the ornament element of printing.

由于采用压电薄膜型喷咀技术,这些印刷机不能使用水性墨水,承印材料的种类也有限。The heads also use a piezo thin film actuator technology that limits the printer to using aqueous inks. This also limits the type of substrates that can be used.

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电子墨图像与承印物的光滑度相匹配,如传统胶印机一样,能产生从粗糙到阴暗到高亮度的效果。E-ink image and substrate is matched with a wall of blood, such as traditional offset press, can be produced from rough to the dusking to the effect of high-brightness.

适用于印刷多种承印材料如大型广告、装饰画玻璃、PVC板、视窗产品、皮革、汽缸密封垫等。Apply to printing carriers needing much printing, such as large-scale advertisements, glasses with larger decoration printings, PVC plates, windows, leather, head gaskets, etc.

热转印机是将预先印刷好的花箔通过热烫头加热、加压转印到各类承印物上的一种新印刷机械。The heat transfer machine is a new printing machine which overheated and compressed the printed foil to transfer into many kinds of printing products through hot stamping head.