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我使用的是加仑大小的玻璃瓶。I use gallon-size glass jars.

四夸脱构成一加仑。Four quarts constitute a gallon.

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我们的样车能达到每加仑6.9英里。Our bus was able to get 6.9 mpg.

这桶能盛四加仑。The pail will hold four gallons.

这是指一加仑汽油可开多远。That's how far a gallon of gas goes.

选那种蓝色的4加仑每分钟的大功率产品。Use the blue 4 gpm heavy volume size.

每组设备的水流量范围高达100,000加仑。Flow range up to 100,000 GPD per unit.

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最好的柴油电力混合动力车是每加仑柴油5.3英里。The best diesel electrics got 5.3 mpg.

我装满了两个一加仑的桶。We have picked two one-gallon buckets.

你会带一个一加仑的器皿吗?Would you bring a one-gallon container?

这里只有半打三十加仑桶装的火药了!There's only half a dozen kegs of powder!

清在两边各抽4000加仑。Please defuel 4000 gallons FORM caeh side.

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三或四加仑/蒲式耳/年。Three or four gallons per bushel per year.

每加仑45美分的补贴仍然在执行。The subsidy of 45 cents per gallon remains.

小苏打,量约为每加仑水一茶杯小苏打baking soda, about 1 cup per gallon of water

该桶可装40加仑红葡萄酒。This barrel can store 40 gallons of red wine.

你得到一个特别清楚的一半加仑玻璃水罐。You get a special CLEAR half-gallon Glass Jug.

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赠送对方一瓶容量为一加仑的M&M's。Fill a one-gallon glass jar with them as a gift.

走向四号通道,沿通道走五米向左,拿一瓶一加仑装的牛奶然后到收银台付款。Go to aisle four. Walk five meters down the aisle.

洗十分种大约用水四十加仑。A 10-minute shower uses almost 40 gallons of water.