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急性毒性试验测定虫草洋参胶囊的最大耐受量。The max dose was measured by the acute toxicity tests.

属于麦角菌目、麦角菌科、虫草属。Ergot fungus belonging to orders, ergot fungus Branch, Cordyceps.

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“只有运气很好的人才能在早上找到虫草,”一名男子说道。"Only lucky people find yarsagumba in the morning, " one man said.

在国际市场上,虫草素的价格非常昂贵。In international market, the price of 3'-deoxyadenosine is very expensive.

“搭饶古”是一个遥远神秘的地方,一个声名远扬的虫草品牌。"Da RaoGu" is a remote & mysterious place and a well-known brand of Cordyceps.

目的分析天然台湾虫草子实体的活性成分。Aim To analyze bioactive constituents from fruiting body of Cordyceps formosana.

产品涉及蚕蛹虫草、蛹虫草及其制品。Its products cover tussah pupa cordyceps , cordyceps and bio-medicinal products.

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大道和谐五粮液,十年陈酒虫草镶。Ten years' wine -Wuliangye, mixed with Worm grass, made up Dadaohexie Wuliangye.

并列出了历年来滇黔桂喀斯特地区发现的虫草菌。And list the Crodyceps having been discovered in this area during the past years.

冬虫夏草拥有丰富的虫草素、核酸、游离脂肪酸、甘露醇和蛋白质。Cordycep is rich in cordycepin nucleic acid free fatty acid mannitol and protein.

实验研究了虫草膏的滋阴补肾作用。The experiment had studied the effect of nourishing Yin and strengthening kidney.

采用HPLC法对染色古尼虫草中的染色成分含量进行测定。HPLC method used Cordyceps gunnii staining dye in the composition were determined.

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因此,许多实验室对虫草素的合成进行了研究。As a result, the synthesis of 3'-deoxyadenosine was investigated in many laboratories.

对养蟹稻田主要病虫草害的发生规律进行调查。Occurrence of major diseases, pest-insects and weeds in rice-crab field were surveyed.

研究表明多种培养条件影响蛹虫草生长。Research showed that various conditions will affect the growth of Cordycepts Militars.

虫草多糖具有降血糖血脂,抗动脉粥样硬化作用。Cordycepin also has the function of reducing blood sugar and fats, anti-atherosclerosis.

冬虫夏草来自天然,可老沙却要人工培育虫草。From natural Cordyceps sinensis, the sand has to be artificially cultivated Cordyceps old.

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方法采用氨基酸自动分析仪对经盐酸水解北虫草进行分析。METHODS Analyse the amino acid content of Cordyceps militaries by amino acid autoanalyzer.

中国国家新闻机构,新华社在其它地方虫草的价格已经涨到了680元一克。The state news agency, Xinhua, says that elsewhere the medicine sells for 680 yuan a gram.

八年时间,上千次试验,这罐头瓶里种的虫草如何为他带来了财富?Eight years, thousands of tests, which can bottle how Cordyceps species brought him wealth?