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自那以来他一直病着。He's been ill since then.

他自从一九八七年以来就住在这里。He has lived here since 1987.

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我很奇怪,一直以来就是这样。I was odd. I always have been.

许多世纪以来,我们都成功了。And for centuries we succeeded.

自1985年以来,我一直是个纯素食者。I have been a vegan since 1985.

但是,就像一直以来,这就是我们的踢法。But, as always, it's how we play.

自从上学期以来他就不曾补考过。He has not resat since last term.

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一直以来,我在波尔图1年。I have been in Oporto for 1 year.

这种想法从亚当和夏娃以来就开始了。It all started with Adam and Eve.

从去年以来我减掉了40磅。Lost over 40 lbs since last year.

中国沪指创下两个月以来收市新高。China's stocks hit two-month high.

他自从上星期天以来就一直病着。He has been ill since last Sunday.

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买糖浆吧。这么久以来,我一直想吃的。Buy the syrupy sweets. For so long.

很多年以来,我一直起床比较晚。For many years, I was a late riser.

最近以来我一直在看巴金的作品。I have been reading Ba Jing lately.

谢谢您长久以来的关注。Thank you for your long-term focus.

长久以来,我对法祖尔比较着迷。I had long been fascinated by Fazul.

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这是自2003年以来的首次增长。It is the first increase since 2003.

从那时以来发生了许多事。Many things have happened sice then.

自2002年以来,美国心脏协会。Since 2002, the American Heart Assn.