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在聚会上,他装扮成一名歌手。At the party he a singer.

她装扮成男人。She was attired as a man.

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我正在装扮成一个鬼。I?m dressing up as a ghost.

我装扮成吸血鬼的样子。I'm dressed up like Dracula.

他装扮成水手。He garbed himself as a sailor.

不为你们而装扮“I'm not going to dress for you."

我们用鲜花来装扮我们的房间。We adorn our rooms with flowers.

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我家小屋装扮一新,欢迎来做客!Welcome to Tracy's little house!

他装扮成一个卖灯的人。He pretended to be a lamp seller.

就好像是圣帕特里克节时的装扮。It was just like St. Patrick's Day.

装扮成上帝的一群小丑。Mimes , in the form of God on high.

孩子们喜欢装扮成鬼。Children like to dress up as ghosts.

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她打算装扮成鬼的模样。She intended to dress up as a ghost.

他把自己装扮成一个茶叶商。He disguised himself as a tea trader.

从某种程度上说,叶芝常作此装扮。In a way, Yeats is always in costume.

国王装扮成一个女孩逃跑了。The king escaped disguised as a girl.

是谁把你,我的情人,装扮成一个异乡人?Who dressed you, love, as a foreigner?

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还有比这身装扮更具绅士风度的吗?Can you get more gentlemanly than this?

幸福女士照到了他们重新装扮他的照片。I got some photos of them primping him.

在这部影片中他装扮成美猴王的模样。He dresses up as Monkey King in the film.