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她言语尖刻,有一张刀子般的嘴。She had an acerbic tongue.

那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。That’s sort of a poignant irony.

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她被我尖刻的语言刺伤了感情。She smarted under my sharp words.

翻译他的书里全是尖刻的讽刺。His books are full of bitter satires.

她用尖刻的挖苦话使人哑口无言。She squelched them with biting sarcasm.

这是篇很尖刻的批评性文章It's a very hard-hitting critical article.

说话尖刻会伤感情。Caustic remarks will hurt others' feelings.

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他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp-tongued, nagging stepmother.

他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp- tongued , nagging stepmother.

我们也吵架,因为她的意见有时很尖刻。Her opinion is so harsh sometimes. It can be.

“你总算来了,”她尖刻地说道。Nice of you to turn up , " she said acidly ."

她经常用尖刻的挖苦话压服别人。She often squelches others with biting sarcasm.

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他尖刻的批评使我思考。His sharp-tongued criticism pulled me up thought.

哈里斯先生的机智和尖刻不输给任何作者。Mr Harris is as witty and cutting a writer as any.

经常暴露出郁闷和尖刻的性格特征。Often developed sullen and acerbic character traits.

他用尖刻的话来发泄对那个女人的忌恨。His hostility to the woman found vent in a sharp remark.

他用尖刻的话语发泄对那个女人的敌意。His hostility to the woman found vent in a sharp remark.

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讽刺,挖苦意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语。Sarcasm n. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.

他的语言是尖刻的,那毫无疑问,但是,绝不沦为粗劣的歪曲的讽刺。He is cutting, of course, but never slips into crude caricature.

他对获胜者的尖刻评论只不过是狐狸的酸葡萄而已。His snide remarks about the winners are nothing but sour grapes.