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要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干。It requires no small talent to be a deciding bear.

这件事非同小可,不能轻举妄动。This is not a trivial matter,don't be indiscretion.

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对于我来说,这显然是一个意义非同小可的案子。“This was obviously a case that means a lot to me, ” he said.

到现在,各种尝试只是确认了这件事的难度非同小可。Until now, attempts have only confirmed that the task was not easy.

如果足够多的人认为你应该记得什么事,这种影响是非同小可的。If enough people want you to remember something, that can be a pretty powerful persuader.

你可能从来没听说过有个中国女演员叫姚晨,但她在中国的影响力可非同小可。You’ve probably never heard of Chinese actress Yao Chen, but this woman plays big in China.

雀巢是世界名流的食品集团,她的经销商当然也非同小可。Nestle is the world's elite group of food, her distributor, of course, is no trivial matter.

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我如果是医生,就会开处方给所有认为自己的工作非同小可的病人放一天假。If I were a medical man, I should prescribe a holiday to any patient who considered his work important.

他还认为,大多数人并不明白新兴国家的挑战非同小可。He also thinks that most people have no idea how serious the challenge from the emerging world has become.

他还说,摸蛇皮的恶运非同小可,说不定我们遭到的灾祸还没有尽头呢。And he said that handling a snakeskin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn't got to the end of it yet.

虽然詹纳的方法只用于对一种疾病的预防,但此病是危害人类的一种强敌,非同小可。Though Jenner's method only was used in one disease, but the disease was a strong enemy to human, very serious.

他说如果这是伊朗官方向沙特王国发起的攻击,那么事情非同小可,将会造成局势紧张。For Iran to officially sanction an attack in the Saudi kingdom would be very serious, he said-a grave turn of events.

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对于一个生长在没有国家美术馆的英国画家来说,参观这些藏品对他的影响非同小可。To an English artist, still without a national gallery, the impact of viewing such a collection cannot be underestimated.

毕竟,他们是着意进行投资的人们,在意他们的事业,并且积累了非同小可的财富。After all, they’re the ones who carefully invest their money, focus on their careers, and have accumulated serious wealth.

玉兰这一惊非同小可,为此质疑日升,才又引领出日升与玉枫之间一段感人的故事。Yulan it surprised no trivial matter, this question did not lead to sunrise, between sunrise and jade Maple a touching story.

压力管理是非同小可的一个工具,你掌握的降压技巧越多越好。Stress management is an incredibly important tool, and the more techniques you can master to lower your blood pressure, the better.

不消说,战士能向这么多充满同情的听众畅诉自己的苦楚,产生了非同小可的影响。Needless to say, it is a tremendous experience for the soldier to be able to cry out his sorrows to a host of sympathetic listeners.

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而对我来说,薄的口音简直太难懂了。这一点的好处非同小可,因为从外省来的译员都听不懂薄一波的山西口音。This was more of an advantage than it sounds, for many interpreters from other parts of the country could not understand Po's Shansi speech.

只要你聚集几个朋友并带他们去投票点,就这样简单的举动就会对你的竞选产生非同小可的作用。Something as simple as rounding a couple of friends and taking them to the polling place with you can have a phenomenal affect on the election.

责任是人类发展的必要工具。尤其是在集体中产生的作用非同小可。无责任之人无信誉。Responsibility is tool of the human developing. Speciously, it is so significant effect in the team. Irresponsibility people are no credit standing.