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何等的导管——“基督耶稣”!What a channel--"Christ Jesus!"

将导管盘在合适的位置。N. Tape the intravenous tubing in place.

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拆卸脚坑隔板和空气导管。Remove footwell bulkhead and air guides.

把30“导管头座到永久导向架里。Set the 30" conductor head onto the PGB."

导管上皮细胞核和腺泡细胞则为阴性。The nucleus and acinar cells were negative.

可以用导管把水吸出。The water can be drawn off with a catheter.

人的身上有许多导管。There are many aqueducts in the human body.

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专用于PVC导管。热缩管等管材或藤条。Apply to PVC pipe, heat-shrink pipe or cane.

术后最长已随访3年,均未发现导管再通现象。There was no recurrence in 3 years follow up.

导管886还可以是天线元件。The conduit 886 may also be an antenna element.

大多数的导管被放置在胸壁处。Most catheters are positioned on the chest wall.

导管分子侧壁上的纹孔密度大。The pit-membrane density on side wall was great.

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最好在转角处预埋一个穿墙导管。You'd better embed a wall bushing at the corner.

法国的解剖学家,他发现了胸导管。French anatomist who discovered the thoracic duct.

吊上下30‖导管的索具和卸扣。Pick for 30‖ conductor handing slings and shackles.

第三组将左侧腮腺导管内置管固定于皮肤。The parotid duct was cannulated in the third group.

每个窗口有一个悬挑梁发导管。Every window has a cantilevered sill made of Ductal.

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从仪表板上拆下除霜器导管。Remove the defroster duct from the instrument panel.

这类型的癌症是所谓的导管腺癌。This type of cancer is called ductal adenocarcinoma.

什么是导管相关血流感染?What is a catheter-associated bloodstream infection?